Chapter 3

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Hailey's POV

I woke up to find out that Mary was not in bed. I walked downstairs and she's already eating breakfast in her swim suit. Luke must be asleep because he's not in the kitchen or living room.

"Hey! It's about time you woke up!" Mary says with sarcasm in her voice. She smiles at me.

"Do you want some bacon or do you want cereal?"

"I'll have cereal." I say as I find a bowl out of a cabinet and pour some cereal in it.

"What time do you want to head to the beach?" I asked Mary because she always has a plan.

"I'm thinking around 7:00 am so we are out there early but not too early," Mary says.

"Haha ok!"

It's now 6:30 am and we're about to head out. Luke finally wakes up and comes outside. He finds us in our swim suits and towels getting ready to go out to the beach.

"Why are y'all going so early?" Luke looks at us like we're nuts to go out there this early.

"We're heading out there early so we'll come back in around 2:30 and we'll do something. Like going to an aquarium or something." Mary smiles at him.

"Okay." He says. "Just don't get into any trouble."

We both bolt out the door. As we're running, I stop and look at this hole. I thought to myself, that looks familiar. I take a closer look and realize it's a sea turtle nest. I yell for Mary. She comes right away.

"Wow. How many eggs do you think there are?" She says staring at them wide eyed.

"I don't know. But let's tell your brother when we head back in later."

As soon as we got to the beach Mary sits down on her towel. I was gonna do the same but we're at the beach! We have to have fun! So I decided to hide a hand full of sand behind me in my hand. I walk up to Mary and through it at her. She stands up and stares at me.

"So that's how you want to do it."

We both end in a sand fight. I really don't know how it started, from one simple thing to one big sand fight. We went in the water to rinse off. Before we both realized it, it was 2:30.

"How did this happen?" Mary says laughing.

"I don't know! When having fun, time flies by!" I say back.

We both returned to the house. Luke was dressed in a tshirt, shorts, and of course cowboy boots.

"Y'all ready for the aquarium?" He says.

"We have to get ready." Mary says as she's walking upstairs with me.

It was about 20 minutes later and Mary and I were done. "Okay we're ready!" Mary says. We all jump in the truck and head to the aquarium. On the way, we listened to country music. The ride was an hour but it seemed like ten minutes. I don't know what was funnier, listening to Luke sing or watching Mary accidentally pouring her coke on herself.

We finally got to the aquarium. It was huge. I've never been an aquarium like this one. As you walk in, you see all these exotic animals. Mary was making faces at the fish while Luke was getting a drink. I stood there next to Mary. I have to say, her faces she made were funny. When Luke came back we started walking through the whole aquarium. We went from dolphins to sharks to otters. We even found a place where you can touch baby sting rays. It was pretty cool.

"Hey Luke. Why don't you touch a baby hammerhead?" Mary calls out to Luke. I was as terrified as he was.

"I think I'm good!" He smiles.

"I'll touch them if Hailey touches them." Mary smiled at me. I stared at her like she was someone I didn't know.

"Haha ok. Only because they're babies and not adults." I told her.

I don't know why I just said that. Well, i didn't want to back out now. I mean, it can't be that bad. So I stuck my hand in and touched a baby hammerhead. To the dorsal fin to its tail. It seemed so elegant. Mary and Luke started clapping.

"NICE!! Even I wouldn't do that!" Mary says and laughs. I finally got what she was saying. She wasn't gonna touch one. But it was no biggy.

It started to get dark so we stopped to get dinner and drove home. Today was an incredible day. I thought it went pretty well. I hope tomorrow will be as good as today. I settle in for bed.

Closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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