Chapter Two

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A/N: Okay so...

Warning: short chapter ahead... I'm pretty sure... I won't really be getting 'INTO' the story until after school starts and I'm all situated and shit. So.. enjoy whatever the.. I dunno.. weirdness.. has to offer.. for now.. I suppose...


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Louis ran into the dining hall barely even a minute later. All heads looked over in his direction as soon as he came stumbling in through the double doors. Two were glaring, the rest had wide smiles. "Lou! There you are!"

Louis smiled, walking over and kissing her head. "Hey, Lottie. Hey, guys." He took his usual spot at the long table. The maids at once placed his dinner down in front of him. He dug in without hesitation, stuffing as much food as he could in his mouth as possible. 


Louis continued piling food in his trap.

"... I said.. AHEM..."

Louis stopped and looked up to see his parents with glares still plastered on their faces. He quickly swallowed the food in his mouth. "Um.. Sorry... anything wrong?"

King Mark put down his fork gently on the side of his plate, then folded his hands together firmly. "Nice of  you to finally join us, Louis."

Louis had to restrain himself from rolling his eyes at the sternness in his step-father's words. Louis knew that Mark had never really saw him as king material, but Mark loved his mother, so he married her... and, by default, got Louis as a son...and.. well... he got stuck being the heir of the throne. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I ran into a little problem near the back gates."

"Well, if you could... Do try and make it here on time tomorrow? We'd like to have dinner as a family."

Queen Jay smiled at Louis and gave Mark a little shove. "So, boobear. How were the gardens?"

Louis shrugged. "Same as they were yesterday... and the day before that.. and the day before that.. and the day before that..."

"We get it, sweety."

Louis sighed. "I don't think you do, Mum... I've been cooped up in here for most of my life... I've never been outside those castle doors other then for press meetings. It's... It's just not fair! I miss being able to leave whenever I want!"

"Now, Louis. You are the prince–"

"Don't you start, Mark!" Louis snarled, slamming his fist on the table. His twin sisters jumped at the sound. He gave them a quick apologetic glance before glaring back at his step-dad. "Don't give me that 'It's your duty as heir to the throne' bullshit you always pull!"


Louis frowned at his mother. "I'm sorry, mum... but it's true! I don't even HAVE duties! My only job is to look good in front of the camera! Why can't I just GET OUT of the castle every once in a while?"

"Because it's dangerous!" Mark responded.


Mark got up as well leaning across the table. "Now listen here! I only do the things I do to PROTECT you!"



"SIT DOWN! BOTH OF YOU! WE ARE EATING DINNER AS A FAMILY! HAVE SOME MANNERS!" Jay shouted. "You're both scaring the girls! Discuss this AWAY from the table."

Mark and Louis both glared once more at each other before thumping themselves back into their chairs. Mark slowly began to cut his steak. "Louis, you got to understand... Some people in this town are willing to sell you out to the tabloids in minutes if it means getting even an ounce of profit. They don't care who they hurt, as long as they get what they want."

Louis slummed in his eat, poking around the peas on his plate. He softly murmured, "Well maybe if you actually did something about the poverty in this town, they wouldn't need to sell us out to the tabloids..."

Mark choked on his drink, a fit of coughs filling the air. The maids behind him quickly ran up and began patting his back. He shooed them away, wiping his chin and looking back over to Louis. "What did you say?"


The king went quiet for a few moments before scooting out of his chair. "I'm going to bed. Jay, I suggest you do the same. We have a big day tomorrow. Goodnight, girls."

"Night." The Tomlinson girl's all said.

"Goodnight, Karen."

The blond maid nodded once then leaned over and picked up his plate. Mark stalked past Louis and out of the room without a single word.

Jay sighed, shaking her head. "Oh, Louis..."

"What!" Louis said, confusion written all over his face.

She stood up from her seat. "Why can't you see that he only means the best for you..."

"If by best, you mean this whole lock-down situation... then you're mistaken."

She shook her head again and handed her plate to a maid, who scurried off at once. She turned back to Louis. "Your father and I have to fly to Paris early tomorrow for a meeting. We won't be back for a day or two. I'll call you when we arrive... until then, if you need anything... just ask the maids. And girls, as soon as you're done with dinner, I want you all in bed, understand?"

"Got it, mum!" They chirped.

Jay hugged all of them goodnight, then walked around the table to Louis, leaning over to give his forehead a peck. He moved out of the way before she was even halfway there. "I'm not a child, mum."

She frowned but nodded, whispering a soft goodnight before walking out of the room. The rest of dinner consisted of his little sister's bickering about their favorite color. Louis sighed and stood from the table once he finished. He wished his sisters and the maids in the room goodnight before retiring to his bedroom.

Once out of the washroom, after he was supplied his pajamas, he climbed into bed. He removed the glasses from his face and placed them neatly on the nightstand before turning on his side. A sudden idea struck him.

Mum and Mark are not going to be back tomorrow...  They're going to Paris. The girls are probably going to be watched by the babysitter, and I'm probably not going to be bothered by anyone... which means.... I'm going to be all alone... This is it. This is my chance. Tomorrow...

Tomorrow I'm sneaking out..


Lalalalala It's late I'm going to bed 



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