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   The Master gave a sinister grin as he listened to his follower's new report. Sakura Haruno was back in her village and now finally, he could take his plan into effect.


   He relished in this amazing feeling and let out a hearty laugh. Konoha was his, Sakura would die, and there would be no one to stop him. 

   "Sakura and her team are on a mission as we speak." his follower continued, "Do you want us to do anything about that?"

   "Take one hundred men and the two hostages and intercept them. Once you do, give the hostages the same hospitality as you did to Juugo."


   Itachi sat in an old, cozy chair with his hands wrapped around a cup of green tea and a plate of Mitarashi Dango was sitting half-eaten on the table in front of him. There was a lull of jazz music filling the cafe, but he paid no attention to it. His eyes were locked to the kunoichi opposite of him who was happily enjoying her An Dango. The lighting was dim, yet he could see the soft features of her face perfectly.

   "What are you staring at, Itachi-san?" she questioned. He blinked and stared her down with warm eyes.

   "You've changed." You've become more beautiful.

   "Ehh, you think so? I guess I grew up, that's all." she grinned, "But enough about me, tell me about you, Itachi-san! What have you been up to since I was gone?"

   "Training. Going on missions. Playing shogi." Missing you.

   Sakura pouted -which Itachi found utterly adorable- and took a bite of her dango.

   "You're so boring. No girlfriends? Crushes? Omiai? Come on, Itachi-san! Haven't you found a girl you've fallen completely head over heels for?"

   Itachi was appalled at the thought of pursuing any other woman other than the one before him. He had indeed been to countless omiai on his mother's accord, but none of them had interested him even in the slightest. He set his tea cup down and crossed his arms over his chest.

   "Perhaps I have..." he answered slowly. Sakura's eyes brightened and she leaned over the table expectantly.

   "... but I will not tell you." that it's you, he finished internally. She puffed out her cheeks and glared at him, causing him to chuckle quietly at her adorable face. They talked for a while and as they walked out of the cafe, a chuunin came up to them.

   "Haruno Sakura-san, Hokage-sama needs you in his office." he said. Sakura nodded and turned to Itachi.

   "I'll see you later then, Itachi-san!"

   He inclined his head and watched her go, the tiniest of smiles on his face.

   Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were brought into the Hokage's office. Minato assigned them a simple A-rank assassination mission. They were to set off in an hour and were due back in a week. As they headed to their places to pack, Kakashi took Sakura aside.

   "I never got to thank you, Sakura." he said.

   "For what?"

   His eye crinkled.

   "For finding Rin and telling her to come back."


   The old Team Seven leapt from tree to tree towards their destination. Naruto was as loud and annoying as he normally was, Sasuke his receiving end this time around. They were lax and at ease, but Sakura was not.

   Being without an affiliation for five years gave her some things to learn from. One was to never, ever let her guard down, even if she was in the presence of a team. If worst comes to worst, the only person you can rely on is yourself. Two, peace never lasted long when she was around. Sure, she had those nice, quiet days to herself, but countless people were after her head.

   There was an explosion to their right, causing them to land on the forest floor.

   Sakura sighed. It was going to be one of those days.

   Immediately, it fifty or so people appeared and charged them without a word. Sasuke and Naruto were taken aback at the enemy's ferocity towards them, but attacked nonetheless. Sakura's eyes gazed over the battlefield as she dug her katana through one of their necks. These bastards were wearing the same things as the people who killed Juugo.

   "Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto shouted over the battlefield. She turned the attention to her team and saw her sensei motionless on the ground. He shouldn't have been downed so easily, but considering her opponents...

   'Poison.' she grimaced inwardly. Naruto and Sasuke were drawing away from their current battles, but Sakura had leapt upwards in the midst of smoke and charred trees, trying to see if the enemy had a hostage.

   "Sakura-chan! Kakashi-sensei's pulse is slowing down!"

   "Take him to Sunagakure! It's the closest village to us! Keep heading Southwest and I'll meet you there!"

   "Sakura! Fall back!" Sasuke called.

   She blacked out his voice and pulsed chakra to her eyes to enhance her vision. She spotted the hostages instantly. One was a small girl, maybe seven years old, in a blue outfit with her dirtied navy blue hair at her hips. The second was a small boy with pitch black hair and large, frightened brown eyes. Sakura's eyes widened as she recognized the captives.

   "KANA! HAKU!"

   She vaulted off the tree and gave chase. Sasuke's and Naruto's voices rang after her, but she didn't care. She had to save them no matter what.


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