August 31, 1991

10 1 0

Dear diary,
Today I went shopping for school supplies so I could go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Of course I wasn't surprised when I got the invitation letter. My entire pure-blood family has attended, so there was no way I wouldn't. My family is rich, so I made sure to beg Father for the most expensive supplies. I got a fancy cauldron, a fabulous limited edition of all of my books, and a wand that would make girls scream in admiration and boys cry because their wands are lame. The last stop was the robe shop. I was excited because I wanted to look the best in front of my subjects, sorry, my peers. As I was being measured for the most elegant robe, a scruffy looking boy walked in. Naturally, I was disgusted by the riffraff, but Mother always tells me to be polite, or at least neutral, towards others. I stuck up a conversation, finding out he was going to Hogwarts, he didn't play Quidditch, and he was an orphan. I might say I felt bad for him, but I didn't, so I won't say that. I asked him what his last name was, but before he answered, he left. Some people are just so rude. I returned home with my shopping bags heavy with expensive items, then commanded our stupid house elf Dobby to take them to my room. It took him twice as long to get it there than if I had done it, but I was just so exhausted from spending so much money.
With love, Draco

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