The Undead Rise - Chapter 1

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There will be graphic descriptions of gore and death, might be triggering things and there will be smut eventually.

Jungkook tapped the end of his pen on his desk, watching the time tick by slowly. He groaned as the time seemed to go so slowly, he was starving and wanted some lunch, he looked at his watch to see if the clock he was staring at was broken and slow, but nope, the time just was going slow.

Soon enough, the bell went, sounding loudly throughout the school and outside, little did they know that the bell was a lunch bell to not only them, but to the monsters that were causing havoc in the streets of Seoul.

Jungkook was sitting at a table with some friends as he ate, their names were Yugyeom and Lisa. Lunch would usually last for about an hour, it seemed like he had all the time in the world, when suddenly it was as if he had no time at all. Jungkook and his friends seen a girl, which he found out was named Sana, getting attacked by a man who had grey skin and blood was covering his mouth. Sana screamed loudly, causing her friends, Tzuyu and MIna, to run over and help her. MIna helped up Sana who had been bitten on the shoulder as Tzuyu pulled the man off of her. The man then turned and attacked her instead, biting straight into her face, she screamed in agony before one of the staff came running in, covered in blood and holding a gun, she shot the man in the head that was eating Tzuyu's face.

Jungkook, Yugyeom and Lisa were all terrified from what just happened, they ran up and joined the crowd that was forming around Sana, Mina and the now dead Tzuyu. Sana and Mina were both crying as they looked at Tzuyu who had her nose and mouth eaten by the thing. Jungkook and his friends went to go look at what they thought was a man, he looked nothing like a man though, he looked dead and his skin looked like it was rotting off. They were all ripped out of their thoughts as Tzuyu sat up, Sana and Mina smiled once they seen she was okay, they went to go hug her tightly, but the woman with the gun stopped them and shot Tzuyu in the head. Mina and Sana glared at her "why did you shoot her?!" Sana yelled at the woman, she sighed "Because she's dead, the undead have risen and are attacking the living, you're fortunate that the man just bit you" she said, gesturing to Sana.

Everyone gasped and started panicking, the girls hugged their friends out of fright, the guys were afraid and started blocking the doors with the tables. Jungkook and Yugyeom helped out the other guys as the girls were talking and shaking from fear, they constantly looked over their shoulders. the woman sat down on the floor, she was watching Sana closely, she noticed that the girl was acting weird, she wasn't with her friends, she was sitting alone and panting heavily.

Once Yugyeom and Jungkook were finished helping the others, they looked for Lisa, they noticed she was with her other friends, Jisoo, Rose and Jennie. They decided to leave her be and went to go listen in to what the guys were talking about. It was nothing important, they were just talking about how they wouldn't be idols anymore and about which girls they would get with if they had to repopulate.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and laid his head on Yugyeom's shoulder, he was thinking about his hyungs and wondering if they were okay or if they were already dead, he started to cry at the thought, he started to lose hope quickly. Yugyeom patted his head "I miss my hyungs too.. but they're gonna be okay and they're gonna come get us, promise you" he smiled sweetly at Jungkook "how can you be so sure?" he asked as he sniffled "when have I ever broken a promise?" he asked and rested his head on Jungkook's "You've right.." he said weakly.

Meanwhile, The members of BTS were running for their lives, there was bodyguards in front of them. leading them out of the building and bodyguards behind them, some staff were also behind them. Their building, Bighit was hit by a horde of those monsters, they came in through the lobby and came upstairs, following some staff that were fleeing them. The bodyguards were making pathways for them, killing those things as they went down a secret staircase. All that was on the members' minds was if their maknae was okay, they didn't even notice that the bodyguards had gotten attacked and were being eaten alive until they heard yells of pain.

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