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Afterwards we met up with the guys at the venue. Carter invited us to the hotel to chill. Of course we said yeah, once we got there we started talking while the other boys were with Mack and Ava. Ava was a sweetheart, the sweetheart of YouTube. We became friends. "So what's your name? Story? I just want to know more about you.", Carter said smiling at me. "Well.." I said after a few seconds of smiling. "I'm Bunny, im 16, Im a youtuber. I know Ava personally, Mack's my BFF.. I love magcon and I don't what else" After a few hours of talking Ava, Mack, and I became 3 musketeers. Like the 3 amigos. We stayed in the same hotel as them so they let us stay in there room cause we didn't walk down 1 flight of stairs. Ugh too much work. There were three beds in Carter's and Matts room so we had to make this work. 2 people in one bed, 2 people in another, then someone on there own. To make it fair we out names in a jar and picked out 2 at a time. Matt and Ava, Carter and I, then Mack in the separate bed. It took me a minute or two to realize who I was sleeping with. Matt and Ava. Mack. Then carter and I OMG OMG ME AND HIM HIM AND I. I suddenly couldn't breathe at the thought until I got into bed along with everyone else but the girls were still in the bathroom changing to PJs. I fell asleep before Carter got into bed.

I woke up the next morning to an alarm clock beeping. It was a Saturday and I forgot I still had the alarm on my phone on. I opened my eyes to see everyone asleep and to discover that Mack had fallen off the bed at probably like 1 am or something, that chicks weird. I turned off the alarm right when I heard carter. "Ughhh!! Matt turn off your alarm!!!!" Carter whined. I turned to realize carter and I were snuggled together. Everyone was snuggled up. Even Mack who was on the floor cuddling with the blanket. I knew Matt and Ava were up because I heard whispering. I couldn't make out what they were saying so I just ignored it and went back to bed cuddled with Carter.

- 2 Hours Later -

I woke up. Now I was ready to get up. Matt and Ava were gone. Carter was in the bathroom and Mack was still asleep cuddling with the blanket now near the window mumbling " I WUV CAMWON DATASS AND BWANKEY" I laughed as she said that then sat up on the bed checking the time. 10:00. I played on my phone for awhile then scrolled through twitter to see my twitter notifications blowing up. I didn't know how because I haven't tweeted lately. I looked through my notifications to find the tweet and found it as I was about to give up. Carter Reynolds @Mr_Carterr: Woke up next to this pretty thang @BunnyFromYouTube" along with a picture of me sleeping. I got up and got read and Mack screamed. I ran to her scared yet shocked that she would do that. She looked at me with non caring eyes. "What the fuck? You had me worried there" I said as I grabbed my bag and went back into the miniature 2nd bathroom. Carter was taking a shower in the main bathroom. "Whatever! Ya still love me though!" She yelled walking in. I washed my face and straightened my hair putting on little amounts of each make up product. After I changed into light blue skinny jeans, a yellow crop top and yellow vans. Carter was taking me somewhere to show me around because I've never been here before so I just said okie. Mack was alone all day then. I'm sure Matt and Ava are off fadoodling and then we will be gone till like 6 so we will see how this goes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2014 ⏰

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