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I turn around and it's Katherine "I'm really sorry Lindsey I shouldn't have said that when Trevor just broke up with u I'm so sorry. please forgive me" " it's okay I forgive u I love u too much not to" I say and we hug. then I feel some one grab my legs and pull me under it was cameron. we come up and he says "hey beautiful wee u wondering where I went?" "yes!" I say and he leans in to kiss me (on the lips). he had soft lips and he put his hands on my waste pulling me closer to his body. we started to make out then we stop turn around and everyone is staring at us I say "what are all u staring at!" and then I splash then and they all say "NOTHING!" at the same time and splash back at me and cameron we have a splashing war then we all get out dry off and go inside the house we watch grown ups 2 I sit In between cameron and Katherine and she sits next to Taylor. in the middle of the movie we hear a knock at the door. cameron goes and gets it and we hear a male voice say "I hope I'm not to late" "no ur not late come in" cameron answers him. They enter the room and it's AUSTIN MAHONE. omg I love his music and Katherine is obsessed with him she has posters of him hanging on her wall in our house so she gets up and runs over and hugs him then goes back and sits back down I'm watching him and he is staring at her butt as she walks back to her seat on the couch. Everyone notices it and they all laugh. Cam comes up to me and pulls me up feom the couch he gets down on one knee and says "Lindsey Marie Johnson will u be my girlfriend? and I know I just met u but ur really different from any other girl I've ever met and ur sweet and kind and georgous and I'm falling for u so will u?" I start to tear up and say.I say "I'm sorry cameron I would love to and I'm falling for you too but it think it is too early. I mean you just met me today and you don't know any thing about me. I mean I could be a crazy canibal or a sweet girl like u think I am. You just don't know yet.I think we should just stay friends for a little while longer. I'm so sorry cameron. But this doesn't mean we can't be friends with benifits😏" he stands up again with a really sad look on his face and says "i under stand Lindsey it's okay and u think I can live with that for a little bit." I felt so bad.

narrators pov>

The rest if the Magcon group show up right after Austin came. Cameron turned off the movie andsat down on the couch with his head in his hands looking at the ground.

Katherine's pov>

OH MY GOD Austin mahone is here I literally just peed my self OMG!!!! "hey Katherine u wanna play truth or dare with a bottle (so it like spin the bottle but u ask truth or dare)?" Lindsey says "yeah! who wants to play??" I ask "me!!!!!" everyone says screaming. we are all sitting in a circle on the floor and Matt spins the bottle it lands on cameron "truth or dare" Taylor asks "dare" he answerd. "we dare I to go moon the next car that comes by" Aaron said. "ugh ok ill do it but every one knows me in this neighborhood and it wold be awkward if I see them again." cameron said back. "oh come on u sissy" Hayes chimes in "ugh I'm going" cameron said as he was walking over to the door with Nash. everyone else stays inside and watches from the front window.

Taylor's pov>

I felt bad for cameron cause now we can't have him do Any thing 😏 with any of the three girls that are here cause Lindsey just turned him down and he said he was falling for her and she said it back. I just don't think it would be right if we sent them into her room for 8 min.

Lindsey's pov>

I still feel bad for cameron and now he was just sent out side to moon the next car driving by. the come back insides after cameron does it and everyone is laughing. then the bottle lands on Austin and he picks dare. everyone saw him staring at Katherine's butt when she went to go and sit down. so we all agreed on having him and Katherine go in to the corner and makeout for 2 min or more if they wanted to. they were there for about 3 or 4 min they both came back with REALLY big smiles on their faces. then it landed on me. oh no I thought I chose dare trying to be tuff but that didn't work because Nash came in right away and said "go into cams room with cameron for 7 minutes" he didn't even decus it with any one. me and cam look at each other and both said okay. as we are going up the stairs we hear people asking Nash why he said that and did that we get into his room and I tell cameron how sorry I am that I turned him down. I leaned in to kiss him. as we are still kissing we flop on to his bed he pulls off his shirt and now has on kaki shorts and boxers showing i pull mine off too and now I only have on a bra and short shorts. as he gets ontop of me I run my fingers down his perfect abs. it is a makeout session he starts to go onto my neck and down from there then stops and I roll over ontop of him and kiss down him like he did to me then I start to gring on his (u know what) and I feel it go up 😉. then we hear a knock on the door and the person says time is up guys. it was Hayes. "yeah we will meet u down stairs in a minute" we jump out of his bed and put our clothes back on. we walk down stairs and every one is staring at us. the rest of the night was people doing stupid things like grinding on the piano the stuffed bear in the corner and each other it turned out to be a fun night. it got pretty late and everyone just decided to stay at Cameron's house except me and Katherine we were going home and we invited Hayes mahogany and Austin over. Taylor Aaron Nash carter jack g jack j and Shawn all stayed at Cameron's house.

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