He Calls you fat and cheats on you- Louis Part I (edited)

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Hey Guys so I decided that i should write one like this because this me and since I love Louis i thought what the Hell? but anyway I don't know how long I'm going to make this but yeah and I'm also writing a new Harry Potter Prefrences and Short Story book so maybe please check them out please anyway back to the story and it will be under my name because i Love him ok hope you enjoy. :)And I will be using my self for this one.'


It was a normal day for me, I was at Starbucks having my favorite drink from the menu which was a Iced white chocolate mocha and a piece of banana loaf bread, when some girls who looked like models walked by and started to laugh at the way i was dressed and then walked away. I looked down at myself and shook it off. I started to walk to the stores and I went to my favorite store Top Shop to look for a new outfit and dress for me. After a few min i went into the dressing room to try them on. I tried the dress first and it would not zip. Huh? I thought to my self then I tried some jeans on and it would not go even past my thighs, I put my clothes back on and left the store back to my car and went home. When I got home I thought Louis would be in the living room since there was a game on today but he was no where to be found. "Louis?" I called out, but there was no sound. I walled around and I found Louis in our shared bedroom, He was on the phone with someone and being a bit noise, so I pressed my ear against the wall so he would not see me. " Look Eleanor,I will break up with her today, yeah I know she's fat and can't compare to you,yes sweetie, Yes Ok i will see you soon...

I quietly walked down the stairs and grab my keys and walked to my car and to my best friend Karla's house. As I was driving I noticed that i wasn't crying or mad mostly because my mom always told me to keep those feelings in and to focused on the road til I got to my friends house. I walked to her door slowly and knock on her door and waited til she opened it. " Hey Mel ,Wha--- What's wrong? " H-He Cheated o-on meee i cried and she came and hugged me "Oh Honey, I'm sorry, tell me what happened."

Louis's P.O.V

"Yes sweetie after I break-up with her,We can finally be together.OK bye Love you.After I finished my phone call with Eleanor all I waited is for Melanie to come home and so I can tell her. Yes I know what your thinking but I cheated on Melanie with Eleanor because I was still not over her, even though Melanie made me forget I still felt something for it's time for a change and I need to be with her. I waited for Melanie to come home but it's been hours and not even a text from her I waited on the couch and then with sleep taking over me.

Melanie's P.O.V

After me and Karla talked I didn't realize that it was so late and I left I got in my car and went back to MY flat so I can finish this. As I was driving I turned on the radio and guess what happen to come on? Yeah, "You and I". I didn't even want to listen to it since I was mad. I plugged my phone and since I was angry I put on "I'm not a Vampire" by Falling in Reverse. After the song was over, I made it home and walked slowly into my home. When I opened the door I saw Louis on the couch sleeping, I looked into the mirror next to me and saw all my mascara smeared and I really didn't care I thought I can walk him up with a bang. (slammed the door shut loud) BANG!!! " What the fuck!!!!!!? "Oh hey Louis, did I wake you? "Melanie?, where were you?, I texted you and you didn't answer? "Oh, so now you worry?" I said with an emotionless expression. He looked at me knowing that something was wrong, "What's wrong love?" Really?!, he was going to pull that crap on me right now?. Does he not now how I get when I get angry? Did he at least get to know me a little bit?. I put my bag down and walk towards him." Louis, here is what I want you to do, I want you to leave my house and delete my number and never come back!!" What has gotten into you what happened?' I heard you call to Eleanor, and now I know this "relationship" was all a lie so get out!!" i said running out of breath and he looked at me trying to think of what to say. "You want to know something, Melanie? huh? Well I will tell you, Ok yeah you were a rebound so i tried to get over Eleanor but she is better then you anyway she is a model,unlike you, Your just like a cow, you don't do anything but sit on your lazy ass all day and always self consious about your self and I'm sick of it so yeah this whole relationship was a lie!!!, Like i date anyone who has thunder tights and there so called depression!!!!!". That's all it took for me to slap him across the face. " YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!!" he yelled while trying to come and slap me. I grabbed the nearest vase and throw it near him while he dogged it."FUCKING CRAZY,GET HELP!!!!", was the last thing i heard before I heard the door slap shut. I slid down the door and cried my eye's out. I haven't been this hurt since the insident with my famliy 4 years ago and I don't even talk to them except my cousin Monica.

I stayed in the dark against the wall and i felt my eye's get heavier and heavier by the min. I didn't realise that i feel asleep on my floor of my flat. Then i started to dream about my destroyed kingdom and how i was all alone on my thrown...... "What happened I thought to my self


Hey guys so this is my first one of me and Louis but not to worry there will be more parts of this one SO anyway I know some of the things here are mean and i know Louis would never do some thing like that and about the depression part yeah for me that's really going on with me but non the less writing this helps me and I am also getting help for that but I just want to say that One direction changed my life I know this sounds stupid but it's true and I want to thank them for that hope you enjoy my stories and there will be more soon

Bye Directioners :) (sorry about the spelling tho :(

P.S : the song Falling in Reverse is How I feel in the story how like he is my drug to live, without it it's like I'm nothing

enjoy :)

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