Beep Beep

54 6 3

6:45 AM


You slammed your alarm to shut it up, the tone still ringing in your ears.

The legs you own keeps dozing off, causing you to collapse with a loud thud in the process of getting out of bed.
So, you attempted to wake yourself up by pinching an amount of skin on your arm.

Actually, take that back.
You regretted it.

You begin to think thoughts of, well, shit.

'I am going to die young today! What a disappointing death I suppose.' You exhaled in fear, scratching your cheek while half-asleep.

The bedroom was still illuminated by the glowing green light of the desktop screen, bouncing off the dresser mirrors and onto the slightly yellow paled walls.

You crawled to the bookshelf that stood in the back of your room, reaching for something that rested on top of a few books. A year book lit in your eyes, slowly turning to the page that displayed your whole year book, student's profiles filling the page.

The tips of your fingers glide over to Taehyung's school photo back from last year.

The tips of your fingers glide over to Taehyung's school photo back from last year

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A girl's charmer.
A flower boy.
A+ Student.
A talented man with a rich heart.

'Rich heart my ass.' You spoke, fingernails now scratching the surface of the page.

Just because he's in a wealthy family that's head of a global widespread company, doesn't mean he's superior.
Just because he has talents and good looks doesn't mean he can just trample on us like ants.

I hate people like him.


'I probably hit snooze.." You exhaled, pushing your hands on the ground to lift yourself up to stand.
You made sure you pressed the button properly before returning back to your thoughts.

You then fitted your feet into your slippers that lied under your bed, taking a step towards the door.
Sighing once more, you took the handle of the door that lead to the outside of your room.

Suddenly, a force twisted the handle the other way you were meant to turn it leaving you startled.
The shock made you fall butt first onto the fluffed carpet, but was rock hard from underneath.
The door then opened wide from the outside, revealing a mint haired man.

The door then opened wide from the outside, revealing a mint haired man

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"Y/N!! Wake up!!"

You shuttered at the loud voice that hit your ear drums, glaring at the mint haired man in irritation.

"That was the second time that I've fallen, I'm butt wrecked!" You shouted back, hands on your bottom to relieve the painful sensation of the cemented ground underneath.

"Mum wants you downstairs!" The man called back, shaking his thumb behind his back.


You paused for a moment, rethinking his words over twice.

"We don't even have a mother!" You exclaimed, pointing on the chest of the man that stood before you.

"I was just joking." The man said, swatting your hand off his chest.

"Ha. Ha. You have humour." You sneered, wiping the dust from your pj shorts as you got back on your feet.

This is your older brother, Yoongi, whom is 19.
A mysterious, but lazy man in fact.
He works as an underground rapper, hoping to pursue his dreams.
Always rebelling against everything, you hope he doesn't go too far to the point he can't change the past and regret it.
Lets say that you have a love-hate sibling relationship with each other, well to the very least.

"Why are you even here?" You asked, lifting an eyebrow at the latter. "Don't you have work?"

"Right, I just want you to send this letter to him." Yoongi reached into the pockets of his jacket, pulling out a tidy envelope soon after.

You took the note, observing the of the envelope when you gotten hold of it.

"Him??" You questioned, flipping the letter over to the other side; a name was written onto it.

'To Park Jimin'

"Oh..." You looked up to find Yoongi brushing his hand across his neck in hesitation, eyes looking into the distance.

"He's in your year right? I want you to give it to him for me." Yoongi requested, ruffling with the sleeve of his multicoloured jacket.

"I can't believe you want to date someone that's still a minor." You shook your head, heading towards your binder to place the letter inside.

"Age is just a number." Yoongi stated stubbornly, puffing his cheeks as if he was a child being grounded by his parents.

"Just give it to him for me, yeah?"

"Yeah, yeah." You said as you rolled your eyes, shaking your hands away to shoo the man off to where-in-hell he's gonna be.


8:30 AM

You changed into your indoor shoes, then slowly headed towards Jimin's shoe locker on the other side of yours discreetly

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You changed into your indoor shoes, then slowly headed towards Jimin's shoe locker on the other side of yours discreetly.
You slowly pulled out the letter, given by your 'beloved' brother Yoongi and neatly tucked it into the crack of the box.

"What are you doing Y/N?" A voice spoke from behind, widening your eyes as your pulse raised further.

'I know this voice.' You quietly wondered in your head, but panicking at the same time.

You had a delayed reaction, turning to face the person who owned the voice.

"Y/N?" Taehyung sounded out, his head tilting slightly with a blank expression plastered on his face

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"Y/N?" Taehyung sounded out, his head tilting slightly with a blank expression plastered on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2018 ⏰

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