New Beginins

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With tear in his eyes singing Clarity out loud this lost soul is trying to fin himself and what he wants, while the chorus plays someone knocks the door.

-Liam, the dinner is ready, stop avoiding reality with music, it won't take you anywhere.

-Coming mum, he replied. As he walked straight to the living room he saw baby pictures, bittersweet memories, faking a smile he kept walking and hug Ashe his older sister, the one who always stood for him no matter what, with that nostalgic stare and shaking lips he said.

-I love you no matter what, you know that sis? -Talk to me, she replied. I know you're sad lately, but I wanna help you, you know I love you to death.. -It's nothing, I just heard a song that made me kinda sad I guess, he said. But I'm fine, let's eat I'm starving. She looked at her little brother and thought, we sort of look alike but we are so different, as her aunt asked for the salt. This family is so out of normal, an aunt, divorced with 3 kids living in the same house as Liam, Ash and their parents, even though are their grandparents they call em mum and dad.

20min passed and Liam finished his meal, washed the dishes and went out for a walk, the night was beautiful, nice breeze not a cloud on that shooting sky, a bright full moon, all he can hear was the crickets and frogs from the river a few meters away from the road, he finally stopped and sat on the ground and start imagining a whole different world, his future what he wants to be, how he want it to be, but you can't blame him we all do that sometimes. With his mind blank for a second this boy could run away from those teenage problems and worries, for a second the world wasn't a tragedy it wasn't a drama, for an instant was calm, nice and lovely. Suddenly he hears a voice saying:

-I knew you would be here, Max said, he's his completely stranger who became his brother and best friend his shoulder and right hand. What's causing you trouble Mr. Am?. -You know I hate that nickname Max, Liam said kinda upset. -Well yeah I know! But I'm gonna call you Am anyways so don't start, but seriously tell me what's going on in that captivating mind? -Not much, I've been thinking about college, what I wanna study and stuffs like that you know? -When it comes to you Liam I never know, and that's my stupid little brother it's one of the things I hate and love about you, Max said. As he sat next to his best friend.

They stayed there for a what it seemed a beautiful eternity. -It's getting late Liam and you have school tomorrow, let me walk you home. -Can I stay with you tonight? I prom... -No you have to go home, Max interrupted him. -Please, I need a shoulder and my sister is worried enough with my aunt and cousins, I don't wanna cause her more worries, he said as he hugged his best friend crying. -Only for tonight, you'll return to your home tomorrow. Max said with a tie on his troat, he knew all of Liam's worries but at the same time he knows what's best for Liam, and that's stay with his family.

As both were walking to Max's home, Max thought, I'm 28 single without any kind of life to offer to him, his a few years younger than me although more mature some days, he deserves better. -Don't feel sad, Liam said. -For God sake Liam you know I hate when you do that. -What did I do?. Liam asked laughing. -Knowing how other feels, it's just scary. Max said as he hugged his little brother, they entered to the house, walked to Max's room and prepared to sleep, Liam got in bed first, as Max were brushing his teeth, he asked: -I have nothing to offer you, you know? Your family can give you better, why you prefer spend time with me? -I feel home with you, safe and sound, and I just feel like that with you and Ashe, like I can fly and walk through fire, I feel home Max, Liam replied as Max was getting in bed with him. Not in a dirty way of getting in bed, to Max, Liam is his brother still a little kid, he sees him as a 6 years old boy, not as a 22 years old boy.

The next morning while they were having breakfast Liam said. -I want a tattoo. Max looked at him intrigued and asked: Really? What do you want?. -A quote, I want it to say "Even with power we cannot change what has passed", it's from a video game, but it reminds me I just have to learn and deal with the past, I can't do but continue and chase my happiness. Liam said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2014 ⏰

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