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( A/N )

Let's pretend Jungkook wrote his solo song Euphoria after he left bangtan.

* Won't use the song just yet *


"Jungkook wake up." Someone shook Jungkook until his eyes fluttered open.

"What?" He asked in his sleepy voice. He turned over to the other side guarding himself from the other person so they couldn't wake him up.

"Jungkook wake up." This time Yoongi shook him until he was fully awake.

Jungkook sat up in Jimins bed. "Im up!" He yelled. Jungkook pulled the covers away from him and started rubbing his eyes. "What time is it hyung?"

Yoongi looked at his phone. "It's only 11 am. Get up we have something to tell you."

Jungkook sighed and got out of Jimins bed. He followed Yoongi all the way to the living where were everyone else were. Jungkook took a seat in the recliner chair and waited for someone to speak.

"So Jungkook." Namjoon started.

"We have an apartment for you." Jin finished. Jungkook looked at then all wide eyed.

"Really? Already?" He asked. They nodded their heads. "How?"

"We're BTS. We can get anything done." Yoongi said with a smirk.

Jungkook smiled at them. "You guys are the best." He gave them a thumbs up only because it was morning and he didn't feel like getting up and hugging anyone.

"But seriously Twitter has been blowing up." Jhope got his phone out and showed Jungkook what was going on in Twitter.

Jungkook grabbed the phone and read some comments. "Jungkook left Bangtan? It won't be the same anymore." He read out loud. "Who needs Jungkook? We still have our 6 kings!" He read out another comment. "I hope Jungkook is okay and whatever he does next, he will be successful in!" He read yet another comment. He gave Jhope his phone back and started looking around.

"Kook?" Taehyung asked. "What are you thinking?"

"Whenever I go solo. I don't expect any fans to support me. If you get what I mean. All I want is for them to understand."

Jimin nodded his head. He put his hand on Jungkooks shoulder. "We understand Kookie. So let's get down to it. What company are you joining?"


"I think we should all sit down and discuss this together. Since you're no longer with us physically that doesn't mean you aren't still with us mentally." Jhope suggested. Jungkook nodded his head, and also showed off his bunny smile.

"Let's think. What company is good enough for our Kookie?" Jimin asked out loud. He was waiting for someone to throw some company names out there.

"Jungkook what companies sound good to you?" Namjoon asked him.

Jungkook thought to himself for a few seconds before a company name came to mind. "How about Sm Entertainment."

"JYP?" Taehyung added.

"Oh Cube Entertainment? Maybe YG?" Yoongi said.

"I don't know if I want our Kookie to go to Cube." Jin said. He had a bad feeling in his stomach.

"I don't know." Jungkook said. "I guess it just all depends on who wants me at their company."

Everyone started thinking deepily about what company Jungkook should consider. They were so deep into thought that no one noticed their CEO walk in their dorm.

"And what are you doing here?" PD Bang asked. The boys jumped a little bit and turned to face their CEO.

Jungkook gulped loudly and stood up slowly. "I-I was just leaving."

"Sit." He ordered and Jungkook sat down quick. "We have things to discuss."

"What things?"

PD Bang rolled his eyes. "You were once one of my artists and it would be selfish of me to just toss you out and not even make sure you're taken care off." PD Bang sat down on the arm of the chair and folded his hands in his lap.

"What are you saying?" Yoongi asked him.

"I'm saying i've been getting calls from different companies. They heard you're going solo. I personally recommend you go to YG."

"YG?" Jungkook asked himself. "Would that be a fit for me?"

"I think they would work for you!" Jin said.

"Maybe." Jungkook replied back.

PD Bang pulled his cellphone out and dialed some numbers before he handed the phone to Jungkook. Jungkook took the phone and looked down at it.

"Who's this?"


Jungkooks eyes widened and he put the phone up to his ear. After a few rings a voice came up and spoke.


"Yes, hello is the CEO in?"

"You're in luck kid. You're talking to him. What can I do for you?"

"Yang Min-suk, my name is Jeon Jungkook and I-

"Wait Jeon Jungkook? As in the former BTS member? The golden maknae?"

Jungkook smiled through the phone. "Yes that's me."

"Why are you calling? Aren't you going solo?"

"Yes and thats why I called. I sort of need a company to help me."

"You've called the right company. I can help you. Stop by sometime this week and we can make arrangements." The CEO said. Jungkook thanked him and bid him a goodbye.

Yang Min-Suk hung up his phone and smiled to himself. "The Jeon Jungkook wants to join my company? Im definitely going to make him a bigger as a soloist."

Jungkook hung up the phone and gave it back to his old CEO. "Thanks." He said quietly.

"What did he say?" Namjoon asked.

"He just told me to come by sometime this week."

"Well what are we waiting for?" Namjoon asked. He stood up from the couch and was about to walk away with the other members and Jungkook when PD Bang stooped them.

"Guys." He said sternly. "Jungkook isn't apart of this company anymore. Once we help him get to his apartment, you guys no longer keep in contact with each other. Jungkook knows too much about our ideas."

All of BTS and Jungkook stared at PD Bang. They couldn't believe what he had just said.

"Im serious. If I catch any of you talking to Jungkook then I will personally put you out." Pd Bang turned to Jungkook. "Im sorry Kook, but it has to be like this."

"We can't speak to Jungkook?" Jin asked. "This isn't going to end well.

Indeed it didn't.


( A/N )

Yes. Yes. All three books are related somehow.

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