Because he's my Prince Charming

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A/N: This is a co-written story so sometimes will be me, Alicia writing the story or my friend, Elise, writing the story. It's actually my first time writing a proper stroy so please, no hate. But Elise, has written a few stories on wattpad, so i guess she's the experienced one. Haha, okay enjoy the story. :D

Alicia xx

Bacause he's my prince charming


"Order's up!" I yelled as I placed a cup of coffee on the counter top for the customer to get their coffee. The customer gave me a dirty look and walked away. Talk about rude. "Samantha, could you please stop yelling in here? It's a freaking coffee shop, not a food court," my boss said with a frown on his face. No shit Sherlock, it's obviously a coffee shop. Nonetheless, I put on my fake smile.

"Sorry, wouldn't do that again."

"Good cause if you do, I'll fire you no matter how many times you begged me."


"Sammi, could you help me serve this cup of coffee to the guy with short blonde hair and red shirt. He has one fine ass by the way. Too bad he didn't know that he's supposed to wait for the coffee himself rather than waiting for people to serve him," my best friend, Maxine said with a wink. I rolled my eyes and turn my eyes in search of this guy. I found him in the corner of the coffee shop and walked towards him. Suddenly, I hear a loud ear shattering scream. What the fuck is wrong? I look around in hope to find the source of this scream but realized it was just some kid refusing to do something her mother said. Since I was looking around and walking at the same time, my feet got caught on one of the table and when I got it out, I knocked against a chair and fell. Yes, with coffee still in my hands. Shit. When I got up I realized that I was already nearing the guy and guess what? The freaking coffee spilled all over him and the cup landed with a crash onto the ground.

"What the fuck is this?" the blonde haired guy shouted. It's coffee, dumb shit. Isn't it obvious? You're in a coffee shop. Doesn't he have any manners? Can't you see that I'm on the ground? Jerks will be jerks. With a sigh I stood up.

"It's coffee. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to spill it on you. I fell and the coffee mug just slipped out of my hand and I couldn't stop it from spilling all over you right?"

"Well then, you should look where you're going next time. That's what your eyes are for. For looking at where you're going but not my handsome good looks, I mean not that you can't look but not when you're walking with a steaming mug of coffee. It's hard not to look at me, I understand, so that's why I'm letting you out on this." The blonde hair guy said, with a wide smirk on his face. I notice his eyes scanning my body, giving me an once-over and impossibly widening his smirk. Hello? My eyes are up here ya' know? Pervert. Stupid, arrogant, jerk of a pervert.

This, my friend, made me shook with rage. "Please, if I would look at you cause of your so-called handsome good look, I would so be in hell right now because looking at your face is already a sin. You tell me to look at where I'm going? Well, who's the one who didn't know that you have to get your coffee yourself at the counter. You're acting like a freaking prince and you think that you freaking own this place?" I shouted in anger, to the point where I think my voice kind of cracked.

"That's because I am a pr-" he stopped midway through his sentence and froze in place. "Never mind..."

"What? Because you're what? A prince? You couldn't be serious." I snorted. He looked at me with such intensity that I feel like hiding in a hole and never come out of it, but I hold his gaze instead, with the same amount of intensity. He tore his gaze away from me after a moment. I guess I won. Yay! He took out his wallet and searched for a hundred dollar note, leaving it on the table and left without another word. Crazy, stupid, arrogant, jerk of a pervert.

Because he's my Prince CharmingWhere stories live. Discover now