Chapter 3

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Mr. Heywood clapped his hands, smiling. "Okay class. We will discuss further about thunderstorms. Anyone knows where it gets its sounds from?-" i tuned him out straight after that, looking out the window, finding the clouds way more interesting than thunderstorm. I mean, why would i need to know all these when I grow up? I'm certainly not going to be a teacher, that's for sure.

My stomach rumbled loudly. Embarrassed, I look around the class to check if anyone heard it. As if on cue,Chase erupted into laughter. "That's how it gets its sound from."

I scowled. That jerk was so going to get the cold shoulder act.

Biology passed quickly enough and since it was the last lesson of the day, I was glad I could finally return to the orphanage; I was starving, as I hadn't eaten since breakfast or lunch. As I made my way towards the main gate, I felt a hand grabbing my shoulder and I spun around instinctively.

"You didn't forget we have detention today, did you?" Chase asked with a scornful look which made me think he thought of me as goldfish, which had a memory span of three seconds.

I was about to protest when I remembered that I was supposed to be ignoring him. As if oblivious to his presence, I stalked back towards the school ground. By now, my stomach was rumbling like mad and I would have eaten the grass if there weren't the 'No plucking' sign.

Groaning, I made my feet follow the other towards the canteen and bought myself a hot dog, hoping I could finish it before I reach the detention room.

Then I heard a blod-curdling scream.

It seemed to be coming from over the toilet so I curiously made my way there. Another rape case? I shuddered at the thought. I saw a figure standing outside the female's toilet door and it was... Chase?

I should have known -Chase, the pervert. Obviously trying to get a glimpse of some girls in the toilet.

But his face was stark white with fear and his eyes were a glassy black.

Feeling a little daring, I jabbed him in the shoulder. "What did you do?!"

"I-It was an accident -I swear!"

"Mhmmm accident, the peeping tom says." I said, my syllables soaked in sarcasm.

"It's the school's problem! They could have put up better signs!" he snapped, glowering at me.

I looked at the sign. Why? It seemed very clear to me. Females wear skirts and men don't. "What do you mean?"

"That," he pointed to the silhouetted sign on the female's toilet, "Is the avatar of my character in my game. See? He's a guy wearing a cape!"

I rolled my eyes. What a joker. And a lame excuse.

Then, momentarily scaring me, his hands shot up to his mouth and he screamed again. He pointed to the hot dog in my hands as he started hyperventilating. I narrowed my eyes in perplexity. There seemed to be no spider or whatsoever on it. But if he is somehow scared of spiders, i would definitely laugh my ass off. "What is it?"

"That!! That....thing. Yeah, the thing. In the middle!"

I stared at him with an eyebrow up. The sausage, he meant? "What about it? I asked slowly.

His eyes went down to his pants and he sighed in relief. "Where did you get it?! Whose is it?" he demanded, his face full of disgust. "And what is it doing in between the bread? You're not thinking of eating it, are you?!"

"Its mine...?" I said slowly, eyeing him warily.

"You're kidding. You don't have one!"

I blink in confusion. Why can't I have a sausage? "Umm... Okay....?" Then, like a tennis ball flying at the speed of light, it hit me. And I spewed out the chewed hot dog in my mouth and snorted in laughter, not stopping for until a minute when suddenly I had a stitch. I was panting in laughter when I took a bite of it. He screamed and looked away hurriedly.

Boy was he funny. Either he hadn't seen a sausage before or he was a terribly good actor.

"Want some?" I asked, suddenly feeling daring and waved it in front of him. Cowering backwards, he waved his hands, shooing me away. Seriously, who hasn't seen a sausage before? Perhaps a prince or the duke.


"I will not be late again." I groaned as I forced my numb hand to write. There, the last one. I smacked my lips in satisfaction. "I'm done Mrs. Brown!"

She looked at her watch. "Write it another hundred lines of 'I will not talk back.' and you won't need to attend detention tomorrow."

I cursed under my breath and set off writing. This set of hundred lines was Chase's fault. That stupid arrogant jerk of a pervert. I glanced at him, finding it really amusing that he was silent for more than a minute. He was laughing silently at me and looked away when I stared at him. "What?"

"Nevermind and continue with that...." he said smirking and waved his hands in dismissal. I narrowed by eyebrows and refocused my attention on the punishment lines.

"And show it to me when you're done."

"Huh?" I blinked. Why was he interested in this? Unless...-shit. I stared at what I wrote: I will not talk back. I will not talk back. Man do I hate that jerk! Who the fuck does he think he is? But Chase is cute. His smile is charming.

I had written what was in my mind unconciously! I closed my eyes in embarassment and groaned, curisng the blush that was creeping up to my cheek as I heard him errupt into laughter.

"Shut up, boy who hasn't seen a sausage!" I retorted teasingly after a while and waited for him to scowl or snap a reply. Instead, he gave me an are-you-kidding me look. "You know, just because I'm a prince doesn't mean I'm actually that dumb. Urgh, you're so gullible! Look, I even-"

"You're a what?! A p-prince?" I said and burst out laughing. If he were a prince then the country would fall within a minute.

"I was just joking... Haha...." he laughed uneasily.


A/N: Heyy awesome zealous readers :D Its me, Elise. I suffered writers block at the start of the story but found myself typing away and smiling like goofy at the end. I do hope you're enjoying it and yes, it starts off pretty cliche. But take my words, stick with it a while longer and you won't regret it -I hope :P Well, there really is nothing much to say other than that. So.... Vote? :D

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2012 ⏰

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