chapter 19

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"Any way where  are we going  "I asked

"To some alley, "he said "It's  just a meeting "

"With who, "I asked again 

"With the east side  gang," he answered 

"Okay "

Wait  !!!
Eastside gang !!!!!!

That's  Nathan  gang

I'm dead  ...
Fuck I have to do something  if Nathan sees  me I'm screwed
Think Lily think

"Ugh," I said holding  my stomach 

"Hey what's  wrong princess " Marcus  asked worried 

"My stomach  hurts like a bitch," I said I even have tears  in my eyes

Good job lils

"What happened  you were fine just minutes ago " he stopped  the car

"I don't  know it just starts hurting," I said with a sob

"I'm  taking  you to the hospital  just don't  cry okay sweetheart  " he said cupping my cheeks and wiping my tears

"Okay " it comes like a whisper 

He grabbed  his phone and called John 

"John  I'll  be late just wait for me okay," he said

He must be asking why because  Marcus  answered 

"Princess is sick so I'm  taking  her to the hospital  "

"Shut up and tell them to wait," he said almost  yelling 

We finally arrived  and Marcus  hurried to my side and carried  me bridal stile

"I can walk," I said in a low voice 
And he just kissed my forehead


"Just go, Marcus, I'm  fine," I said to that stubborn  person 

Or should I say as a rock

"No I will wait till the doctor  comes " he answered

"You have meeting  just go ill call you okay," I said trying  to make him go as soon as possible 

"Fine just don't  forget  to call me okay " he said pointing   his finger at me

"Yeah yeah just go " I said  and he chuckled 

"Take care princess  " he said kissing  my forehead 

"You too, " 

He walked to the door he smiled  for the last time then closed the door And finally  his gone

The doctor  came in and said some bullshit  and I have to stay here till Marcus  comes back at least I have my phone with me


I can't  wait  anymore  so I called Marcus  he didn't  pick up so I called John

"Hi asshole," I said smiling 

"I don't  have time for your bullshit bye "

"Noooo don't  hang up or I'll  beat the shit out of you " i almost  yelled 

"Really? Are you actually  threatening  to not hung up "
He chuckled 

"I need a favor," i said

" what " he asked

"Just tell Marcus  to come get me out of this hell hole "

" what was that princess I didn't  hear please," he said and i can see the smirk  on his face

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