Tomato 06/08/19

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OMFG Tomato Mafia,

We graduate today and I'm so fucking excited! I'm finally done with this high school bull! I'm in love with an amazing woman! And I can finally do what I want!

I've gained my weight back over these past couple months and I couldn't be happier. Carman has helped me so much through all of it. I owe her big time.

Oo, speaking of Car, we still haven't kissed, but Goddamn I'm gonna do it today!

The ceremony starts in twenty minutes, I got to go!

Lots of Love- Spence

I close the book and join the mixed queen at the door. She has her cap and gown on already and is currently trying to get Nina to stop taking pictures. I stand by Carman and grab her waist. "One more, Nee."

I lay my head on her shoulder just as the camera flashes. Carman kisses the top of my head then grabs my hand and James and heads out to the car. I start the car and head to the school. "You guys take a seat in the front so I can see you. Don't move. Watch each other."

Nina nods and takes her brother's hand as they get out of the car. We usher them to the auditorium before going backstage to get in line. My last name starts with a C so I'm toward the front, Carman Paine has to leave me for this moment. She gives me a hug and stands beside me for the moment. "It's finally happening!"

She chuckles at my excitement. "Yeah. It is. I have to go. I'll meet you in the lobby after the service."

I nod and watch her go.

As we cross the stage Nina and James stand and clap with the former screaming at the top of her lungs. When it's over we meet in the lobby as promised. I grab onto James and Nina's hands and lead them toward the tall figure coming through the door. "Carman!"

She turns to me and smiles, walking toward me. Justin and Warren follow her closely. Justin comes toward me first. "Hey, Spencer! How is it being free?"

I smile. "Great! Now I can work full time and focus on my bod."

Warren laughs. "Same."

I stare at him. "You already have a great body."

Carman butts in. "Hey, babe."

I let go of Nina's hand to grab her older sister's waist. "Not as great as yours."

The younger children moan in disgust. "Can we go?" Nina tugs on my gown.

I nod, "Bye guys."

"Bye Spence! Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Justin ruffles my already messy hair.

Warren lightly punches my shoulder. I lead everyone out to the car and let them get in before stopping Carman. "I want to do something."

She looks down at me. "What?"

"Come over here," I take her hand and lead her toward the football field so the kids won't see. "I know it's been put off, but I can't hold back anymore."

"What do you-" She shuts up just as my lips connect with hers. She hesitates before taking control of the kiss. I sigh in content just as it ends. "That was worth the wait. Let's get home, babe."

I nod, following her like a lost puppy.

Dear Tomato Mafia,

I don't think I need you anymore. Thank you for letting me use you for venting and all that. I'm happy now though. I have Carman and her siblings and a nice house and a peaceful ending only found in books. I hope it continues to be like this though I know there will be ups and downs. Thank you for being there.

Lots of Love- Spence

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