The first real date

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Niall POV

"whats taking her so long i've been waiting for ages" i say inpaceintly. "shes five minutes late, give her a chance" harry says giving me a look of stupidity. *knock knock knock* "that's probably her" harry says interupted by me pushing past him to race to the door. i open the door to corall with a sorry look on her face. "hi i'm so sorry i'm late i was just planning something" she says giving me a peck on the cheek. "that's ok, so what were you planning?" i ask i guess this is pay back for not telling her about the park. "you'll just have to wait and see, are you ready to go?" she says. "mhm" harry mumbles feeling a bit left out. "oh hi harry i didn't see you there, oh yea i made a few to many cookies so i hought i'd bring you some" coral says with her cute smile. "oh thanks i love cookies" harry says reaching in to the brown paper bag to realise there choc chip "yes!! i love choc chip thanks!". "haha that's ok, well lets go then" coral says saying by to harry while entwining her fingers in mine. 

Coral POV

i hope he likes what iv'e got planned, i put so much effort into this. "so where are we going" niall asks with a grin, hes obvouisly excited. "to my house, laceys not gonna be home till 7 so we've got ages" i say with a small smile. "ahah great, i can't wait to meet her" he says, i'm happy he wants to meet my friends. "she can't wait to meet you either, were here" i say reluctantly unlocking our hands to get out my keys. i walk in and put the keys down. "i can smell!!" niall says excited, he really does love food. "ahah just go down the hall to the living room" i say in my silly quite voice scared he'll think it's cheesy. "ok!!" he says racing down the hall, draging me with him. he stops quickly, "wow theres so much." he says astonished at it all. "ahah yea, well i thought we could watch a dvd and then maybe i'll show you my designs" I say, not sure about whether i will show him. "I'm sure their amazing" he says with a huge cheesy smile. "thanks niall, so i didn't know what you'd want to watch but i got woman in black, i haven't seen it yet i hope it's not too scary" i say hinting for niall to come give me a hug. "Don't worry i'll protect you" he says walking over to give me a huge cuddle. "alright well i'll put the movie in" i say putting in the disk and sitting on the couch with niall grabbing a massive plate of cookies as i snuggle into his side. He grabbed one of the cookies and stuffed it in his mouth as quick as he could. "can you eat it any faster" i say jokingly. "watch me" he says grabbing another cookie and eating it in what felt like a second. "ahah ok ok i get it, choke!" i say just as the movie starts. niall pulled me a little closer to him, slidding his arms around my waist, this is all new to me iv'e never even had a boyfriend before, don't know when im going to tell him that. 

Niall POV

She's so cute, staring into the screen with her eyes wide open watching every little thing that happens. "omg, no don't go in there she'll get you" she says talking to the guy like he can hear her. "don't worry he'll be fine, he's brave like me" i say how cheesy can i get. "ahah oh yea, well i'm just as brave" she says with a huge smile. "crap this is so scary" she says snuggling into me. "i thought you were just as brave as me" i say teasing her. "i take it back, i'm scared" she says. "Don't worry i'm here" jokingly, hugging her tighter. "good" she says glancing up to me only to shoot her eyes straight back at the screen when she saw me doing the exact same thing. i gave a little chuckle and she wacked my leg shhing me.

*the movie finishes*

"so I'll show u my designs but you have to promise you won't laugh at them if you don't like them" she says intensly "pinky promise". "pinky promise" i say, i love that she does that. "ok so here they are, the're not very good but" she says not sure if i'll like them. "no the're amazing" i say with all honesty, one inpaticular caught my eye it was a long red dress that came low at the back, all i could do was imagine Coral wearing it and my jaw dropped. "what?" she asked not knowing what to think. "ohh nothing, d-don't worry" i say embarrassed. "no what, you have to tell me" she says giving me a puppy dog face that i couldn't resist. "i-i just saw the red dress i thought it would look nice on you" i say shyly. "aw thank you, i'm happy you said that, it's my favourite design. "are you going to make it any time soon"  i say with a wink. "ahah maybe" she says winking back. "oh it's almost 7 lacey will be hear soon, help me pack up my designs i don't want her to see them, your'e the only person iv'e shown them to" she says sweetly. I'm so happy she could trust in me enough to show me, they really are amazing...she really is amazing. *knock knock* "that must be lacey. Coral opens the door and I take a deep breathe.  "hey is that cookies i can smell, where are they?" laceys says not realising i'm here.

Coral POV

"hey is that cookies i can smell,where are they?" laceys says completly ignoring niall and I. "ah lacey..i'd like you to meet Niall" i say a bit annoyed that she didn't even say hello, even though it was only because she loves my cookies so much. "I didn't even see you!" lacey screamed jumping on niall from all her excitment. "hi lacey, nice to meet you" niall says shocked. "lacey could you contain your excitment a little bit. "oh...sorry niall, by the way your really cute" lacey blerts out. "oh ah thanks, i don't know if coral thinks that though" niall says looking at me for an answer. "of course i do niall" i say giving him a hug. "awwww" i hear lacey squilling. "lacey shhhh, can we talk" i say giving her an annoyed face. "ok ok, nice meeting you niall, we will all have to do something soon" lacey says. "yea we should, nice meeting you too" niall says smilling, happy lacey likes him i guess. 

*in the kitchen*

"lacey you're so embarrassing, i knew you were going to be excited but not that excited, and you called him cute!" i exclaim. "i'm sorry, it's just you know how much i love them all" lacey nags. "fine, but you're going to have to hide it now that me and niall are dating, i'd actually like for him to like my friends and not think you're completly weird" i urge. "i do like her" niall says with a chuckle. "oh ahh, well..good" i say starteld. "i'm really sorry but i have to go, louis needs me for something" niall says sadly. "oh ok well i'll come say bye then" i say sad niall has to leave. "by lacey, i'll see you soon?" niall asked with a smile. "yea of course, cya" lacey says giggling. 

*at the door*

"today was really fun, i'll text you when i get home" niall says smilling. "okay, I had a great time!" i say jokingly. "ok well i'll see you soon" Niall says leaning in to kiss me. he kisses me softly and pulled me in, he knew exactly how to put me under his spell. i leant in a little closer and kissed him back, his lips moved perfectly with mine and i forgot that lacey was even in the house, luckily she didn't see anything. "ok well cya" niall says hugging me and giving me one last kiss.

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