Chapter 6

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It was two weeks of trying to manage going back and forth between work, Karma-Taj, the Compound, and S.H.I.E.L.D. before Jackson received a call from Daisy.

"Who's calling you this early in the morning?" Youngjae peered over to look at Jackson's phone.

Jackson almost choked on his tea as the words 'flower girl' lit up on the screen.

"Flow-er girl." Yugyeom pronounced the english title, "Who's flower-"

Jackson swiped his phone from the kitchen island and said 'cousin' before darting back to his room, leaving the rest of his members confused. It was only when he was in the safety of the closet in his room did he dare answer.


"Head to the SHIELD base at 6:30 tonight in Incheon. We'll pick you up from there." Daisy ordered.

"Wait, why?"

"We located the Watchdog cell in Beijing that fits the description that you gave, and you're the only who's seen the inside of it."

"And you want me to go with you?" Monitoring within the SHIELD base was one thing, but going out in the field. With the potential of getting shot?

"Fitz and Simmons have their plate full already, we don't know what we're walking into, and I'd like to not lose any fellow SHIELD agents. Are you in or not?"

"I'll... be there at 6:30."

"Good. Don't be late." Was all Daisy said before hanging up.

The rapper let his phone fall to the floor and banged his head on the closet door repeatedly. He had to a) manage to get out of dance practice early without everyone getting suspicious, b) find a way to make it onto the SHIELD base without magic (he'll get shot if just randomly walks in), and c) pray and hope this mission ends before he has to get back home and plan for a variety show taping. And also not die.

"Why are you in the closet?" Mark asked on the other side of the door.

"I'm having a gay crisis." Jackson deadpanned.

"Didn't know you had to go back in the closet for that." Jackson could hear the eldest amusement of his joke in his voice.

Jackson could feel the oncoming headache that probably wasn't gonna go away anytime soon.

Jackson adjusted the S.H.I.E.L.D. issued jacket that he wore for the fifth time in the past 30 minutes. The black and blue fabric wasn't fitted for him, and was merely a hand me down of whatever agent it used to belong to. However it did keep him warm in the bone-chilling quinjet.

"We're looking at a good 200 acres of forest where this building is located. Seems to be an unfinished planetarium that was built and it's only 60 miles away from the closest town, so we cannot let them get that far." Coulson instructed at the front.

"I'll run through the place; see if we can find another escape route in case things go south."

"Initial images of the place show there's at least 6 dozen Watchdog agents in the area, so be careful." Coulson warned Elena. "Mack I want you and May with me, to take the front. Jackson I want you by Daisy's side at all times. If you see anything that's familiar or off, let her know."

Jackson nodded and looked over at said agent. She only spared him a quick glance before scrolling through the tablet in her hands.

"Take this." Mack handed him a gun.


"This switch to freeze, this switch to kill." the mechanism almost came naturally to the rapper.

Departure Act II: Can't [Got7/Avenger Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now