Seriously, I'm not Kidding

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Alright, when it comes to people writing, particularly Reader Inserts, RI's for short, believe it or not, there ARE rules to writing them. And, I will be gracious enough to list them:

1: When making an RI, you DON'T WRITE IT ENTIRELY IN FIRST PERSON. Unless, you start things off like in Titanic, then in the correct place, switch to either 2nd or 3rd. Yes folks, either 2nd or 3rd person IS good enough for an RI. It just doesn't make any sense to write an RI in first person, it just doesn't.

2: Do not make any FALSE ADVERTISEMENTS JUST TO GET PEOPLE TO READ YOUR STUFF. I'll give an example: You advertise your story in whatever search a person happens to be looking for, they see something of yours, tagged all over the place with RI because they like RI's, they read the description, it sounds promising, they click on it, only to discover that it is in fact, NOT an RI, but an OC. And, it's only made worse that it's in 1st person from Stem to Stern. I've come across MANY like that. Please people, don't we get more than enough false advertisement in our day to day lives? Things like this, are supposed to be a generous break from all of that. I mean, if we can't get hardly a shred of honesty while we are out in the world, shouldn't this be a place free from as much of that as possible?

3: Reader Inserts are just that, a way for the person reading it to further delve into what they are reading, meaning, that NAME AND LOOKS BLANKS ARE NECESSARY. You can't have it both ways when making RI's. I'll get to the special exceptions in a moment(they aren't many). For the biggest part, an RI HAS to have those blanks. It can't be name blank and predetermined looks, or predetermined name and looks blanks. That just doesn't make any sense. Reader Inserts are not one of of those places where you can have your cake, eat it too, lick the spoon, and bang the cook. Now, the exceptions: When the inserted character is related to a preexisting character, A LAST NAME IS ALL THE LEVERAGE YOU ARE ALLOWED. Other than that, blankey-bloo's all the way through. The other exception, is when the inserted character has special powers of some kind that briefly changes their appearance. Those are the ONLY exceptions.

Extra: To cut down on permanently unfinished stories, write down the ENTIRE THING ON PAPER AND HAVE EVERYTHING CHECKED OVER AND FINALIZED BEFORE YOU POST.

I hope this clears up any confusion concerning RI's. All of the people that have been doing things correctly from the beginning, keep being awesome!👍 All of the one's fitting the above paragraphs, you have some shit to fix. Have a nice day!

 Have a nice day!

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