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Fuck. There he is again. Jacob mentally prepares himself to face his tormentor. If only he weren't so goddamn adorable. Jacob has been raised by very liberal and accepting parents who have educated him enough for him to know and accept himself as gay by his age of 14. Troye, on the other hand, is much more sheltered and ignorant when it comes to sexuality. Boys can't like boys. But.... something about Jacob makes him feel weird and fuzzy inside. He just wants to touch him. Not in a weird way, of course. He just wants to be close to him. And he can't figure out why. So he does whatever he can do to get close to Jacob.

"Hi, Troye," Jacob groans, seeing the small boy walk up to him. To his surprise, Troye blushes. Jacob cocks his head and that's when Troye throws the first punch. Jacob ducks and goes in to tickle Troye, making him squirm around and laugh. This "roughhousing" has been going on for a few months. Troye and Jacob have always been friendly, having known each other since sixth grade, but they were never super close. One day, Jacob made a joke about Troye's hair and Troye jokingly started to poke him and lightly punch him. Since then, it's been their weird sorta tradition. Every day, they "rough house." At recess, Troye comes up to Jacob. They exchange a weird sorta smile and blush, sometimes featuring Troye's awkward lip bite and glace toward his feet and Jacob's light chuckle and eyebrow raise. 

Neither of the boys really know why or how it happens. It just does. Troye beats Jacob up, but not too hard to leave marks or really hurt all that much. Jacob takes it, always dodging but never punching back. They usually end up with Jacob pinning Troye to the ground, straddling him to hold him down and tickling him until Troye slaps the ground, signifying his surrender. However, on the rare occasions that Jacob surrenders, it usually ends with Jacob on the ground panting and Troye standing over him, a triumphant look on his face. Jacob finds it positively adorable.

Troye doesn't know why he does it, really. Something about Jacob's stupid face just makes Troye wanna punch it then kiss it then punch it again. So he punches it. Cuz that's the rational choice, right? He can't want to kiss it. Boys can't like boys. Jacob doesn't seem to mind. In fact, Jacob seems to enjoy it. And so does Troye. It's just their.... thing. They're Troye and Jacob. Not friends, not enemies, but something in between. 

Troye finds himself thinking about Jacob just a little too much. It's just a little concerning. They're friends, technically. I mean, they talk every day in class and sometimes hang out on the weekends. They never address their recess tradition, though. It never leaves the playground. But Troye is getting restless. And Jacob is getting curious. So one day, Jacob decides to confront Troye. It doesn't quite go to plan. 

Today, Troye walks up to him a little more apprehensively. He chuckles when he sees Jacob, and pokes him shyly in the chest. Jacob wobbles a little, but grabs Troye's hand. Troye looks up at him, not used to the gentle touch, surprised. Jacob looks right into those deep blue eyes and Troye looks back.

"Troye, I think we should tal-" Jacob tries to start, but Troye throws a punch before he even knows what his arm is doing, alarm rushing through his veins at Jacob's words. This time it actually hurts. 

"Troye-wh-" Troye throws another punch. Jacob grabs his arm, looking him in the eyes, surprised to see fear lingering in Troye's. 

"Troye, we need to talk!" Troye lets a wave of vulnerability cross his face before he hardens it, then he pushed Jacob to the ground, punching him repeatedly.

"Fuck- Troye! Ow! Fuck!" 

"I- don't- want- to- talk!" Troye grunts between punches. His punches, much to Jacob's relief, get lighter and lighter, weaker and weaker, slower and slower. Troye starts to sob, and Jacob tries desperately to grab Troye's arms. Troye, straddling Jacob, slaps his chest repeatedly, tears streaming down his face until he eventually lets his head fall, heavy, on Jacob's chest. Jacob pants, glad the hitting is over, but now concerned for Troye. Troye's sobs shake his body and his tears soak Jacob's shirt, but Jacob doesn't mind. He just lifts his hand up to Troye's head, combing his fingers through Troye's curls soothingly. 

"Hey, Curly, what's up?" Jacob asks gently, lifting Troye's face up to look at him. Troye reluctantly lifts his cerulean eyes to meet Jacob's hazel ones, wide and rimmed with red, tears still slipping out.

"I don't- I don't know, Jakes."

Jacob blushes at the pet name, then thumbs Troye's wet cheek gently. 

"Hey dude," Jacob whispers. 

"Hey dude," Troye smiles right back. 

"Wanna talk about it?"

"I-I like you a lot but I can't cope with my feelings because boys can't like boys so I beat you up, and I'm sorry," Troye blurts out, lip between his teeth and eyes wide, focussed on Jacob. 

"That's really chill," Jacob smiles, grabbing Troye's hand. "Boys can most definitely like boys. In fact, I like boys," Jacob adds, informally coming out to Troye. "We can hold hands if you want." 

Troye nods vigorously, intertwining his fingers with Jacob's. 

"You have really good punches, Curly," Jacob jokes. Troye lets out a short laugh before biting down on his lip again, flicking his eyes between Jacob's eyes and the curl of his lips. Jacob looks up at Troye and squeezes his hand, giving him the ok. Troye sucks in a deep breath and closes his eyes, leaning down to kiss Jacob. As soon as their lips meet, Troye breathes out a sigh of relief. It's so perfect. It's short and innocent, as a first kiss should be. Their lips move against each other, soft, for a few seconds. Jacob reaches up to tangle his fingers in Troye's curls, and Troye cups Jacob's jaw. 

The sweet kiss ends as soon as it started, both boys breathless as Troye drops his head lower, sprawled out on top of Jacob, burying his face in Jacob's neck with a light chuckle and inextinguishable smile. Jacob's curls tickle Troye's nose and he giggles before planting a sweet kiss to Jacob's neck and sitting up again. Jacob hears the bell ring and Troye climbs off of him.

"I think we have a new tradition, Jakes." Troye winks and saunters off, leaving Jacob on the ground, breathless and giddy, dimples showing and cheeks pink. And if Jacob is a few minutes late to class, then so be it. Troye kissed him. Fucking finally.  


so emmy put that picture at the top on her story and said someone should make it into a fic so..... i did lmao

its super short and just the one chapter cuz its kinda crappy and im really busy and dont have time to do a whole fic but! it's here! idk i think it's cute! 

ily xx

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