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(A/N: So, welcome to my new book...

Just like 8th member, this book will be in 3rd person.

If you're confused about who is who after reading the description, Namjoon is the roommate, Taehyung is the brother. The sister's name will be, Taeko or Koko {No, not Kiki. This isn't a book about Drake.} for short, since Taehyung is Tae for short.

The smut policy is pretty much the same for this book, as is it for my other book, 8th member. Warning before smutty scenes and chaps. I will give you and 'It's clear!' when the smut is over and it is safe to read if you do not read smut. I am not the BEST smut writer so bear with me! I'm working on making as BEST AS POSSIBLE though!

\Smut policy has changed from previous. This is the current policy. Thank you!/

That's pretty much it. Enjoy!


Today's the day Taeko moves into her new apartment. She'd been looking for one for a while now and she'd finally found one. It even had the option for a roommate, just like she wanted it. She didn't want to live alone, so she looked for an apartment with the option for a roommate. The owner of the apartment told Taeko that she didn't know who her roommate would be yet, because no one else came to look at the apartment who wanted a roommate.

Taeko walked into her new apartment, then all of a sudden, someone ran past her, then another, and another. They were running too fast for her to see, but she knew they were boys. She just didn't know who they were or why they were here.

"Hello? Who is in here?" Taeko called out into the apartment, hoping to get a response.

"Who are you?" Someone said.

"My name's Kim Taeko. I'm the new tenant of this apartment. Who are you?" Taeko answered.

The person walks into view from the corner. "I'm Kim Namjoon. I live in this apartment, too."

Taeko looked at him in confusion. "But, how can we both live here? The person who owns this place said there wasn't anyone else living here."

"Well, I live here, so it looks like she doesn't know what she's talking about." Namjoon said, smirk on his face.

Just then another guy walked into view. "Oh, Taeko, this is my friend, Kim Taehyung. But don't worry, he doesn't live here. He's just visiting." Namjoon introduced.

Taeko's eyes went wide, as did Taehyung's. After looking for awhile, her eyes turned to a squint. "What are you doing here?"

"Did you not hear Namjoon? I'm visiting, because I'm his friend." Taehyung said, smirk evident on his face.

"Do you guys know each other or something? What am I missing here?" Namjoon spoke up.

"No!" Taeko and Taehyung said in unison.

"Okay, then." Namjoon just looked at the two, wondering why they were acting so weird.

"Well, I'll just get going. See you later, Joon." Taehyung said as he walked out. But before he left, he pulled Taeko aside. "Don't tell him we're siblings. I'll do that when I think it's time. For now, we don't know each other. Got it?"

"Fine by me." Taeko replied.

Taehyung left and Taeko went back to where Namjoon was. "Where's my room? I want to start unpacking my stuff, before it gets too late."

"Down the hall, to the left. The one to the right is mine." Namjoon pointed down the hallway.

Taeko thanked him and walked down the hall, to her new room. She put her suitcases and bags down and started to unpack. She had unpacked all of her suitcases and all of her bags but one, when she felt something rub up against her leg.

"Ah, what the hell!" Taeko screamed, causing the thing that rubbed up against her, to jump. She looked down and saw a dog, now cowering in the corner of the room. "Oh, it's just a cute little dog."

Taeko was bent down petting the dog, trying to calm it down, after she had scared it, when Namjoon walked in. "Looks like you've met Rapmon."

(A/N: Soooooo, I looked it up. If you didn't know, Rapmon is Namjoon's actual dog's name. That's where I got that from. But I bet a lot of people already know this, though there is also some people who don't. If you didn't, then there you go. Now you know something new. You know what they say, you learn something new everyday! These are all their real pets, but please don't roast me if I get genders wrong!)

"Is that this little cutie's name?" Taeko asked.

"Yep, and he lives in this apartment." Namjoon answered.

"I was going to bring my cat, but I didn't know if we were allowed to have pets." Taeko frowned.

"The owner said she doesn't mind, since she has pets herself." Namjoon said.

"I should bring my cat. I miss her so much."

"What's her name?"

"Kkanji. She's really fuzzy and adorable."

"Awe, that's cute."

"Hey, I'm like really hungry. Is there anywhere I can go and get food?" Taeko asked, as her stomach rumbled.

"Yeah. There's this ramen place down the street. You wanna go there?" Namjoon returned a question.

"Sure, why not?" Taeko slipped on her shoes, after Namjoon, and they both walked out the door, to the ramen place.

Once they got there, they both sat down and ordered some ramen, eating up it quick and heading back to the apartment. Taeko walked in the door slipped off her shoes, brushed her teeth, put on some pajamas, and went straight to bed.

Because That's My Sister •{Kim Namjoon}• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now