How are you alive?!

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"As I promised." He removes the hood and I gasp in shock. Standing in front of me is.  .  .


Your pov.
My brother, Ace. I thought he was dead. "Hello big sis." He says and I run to him and envelope him in a bear hug. "H-How-How are you here-how are you alive?" I question in bewildered. Ace chuckles. "Mom got an escape pod ready and told me that the planet was about to be destroyed. She said that a star was about to supernova. So she sent me away. She died with the explosion I assume." He said looking at his hands. I don't exactly have the heart to tell him that I killed our mother. But it's gotta be done some how. "Ace. Promise me you won't get mad okay?" I say looking at him with sad and pleading eyes. "I could never get mad at you sis." He says with a frown.

I take a deep breath and look him in the eyes. "Mom didn't die in a supernova. I killed her." I say looking in his eyes for any emotion. There was none he was a blank sheet of paper. "You-you killed our mother?" He says swallowing hard. I nod my head hesitantly. "She gave birth to you. And you just killed her!?" He says raising his voice. I flinch slightly. "Ace. After she sent you away she killed everyone on our home planet. She even killed...Tyler." I say looking at my hands with tears in my eyes. "So you killed her because she killed your husband?" He says clenching his jaw. "Ace you don't understand. That's not why I killed her. She went crazy. She wanted to be a goddess of destruction so she killed everyone even father! She tried to kill me! It was self defense." I say using a stern tone.

"She was our mother Y/n!" He yells standing up. "And I lived her Ace! But she was a threat to us all! I had no choice. It was one life or countless others." I say coldly. I go into my queen mode. Heartless and cruel. "So you decided to sacrifice our mother for them?!" He yells getting in my face. "Stand down Ace." I say calmly but sternly. "I won't! You killed her like it was nothing!" He yells raising a hand to punch me but I catch it before it makes contact. "It wasn't a decision made easily. She was my mother and I loved her deeply. But she killed men, women, and children. She tried to kill me. She would've killed you if you weren't her favorite." I say disgusted.

"So all I am to you is a reason mom didn't love you?" He says looking at me coldly. "No. What you are to me is my baby brother. I love you more than anything. But the way you are acting at the moment is distasteful." I say and release his hand. "You're a disgrace." He spat at me. I was about to open my moth when a voice cuts me off. "She is no disgrace." The voice says. I turn my head to see Vegeta. My eyes widen. "Vegeta? What are you doing?" I question. "Saving your pathetic ass for Kakarot." He says keeping his eyes trained on Ace. "Your sister has made a life for her people so they can live peacefully. Sure she killed many to get there but it was a necessary sacrifice. Your mother's death wasn't easy on her so I suggest you back off before I have to blast your head off." Vegeta says in his normal angry voice.

"No Vegeta. He is not someone you can dispose of. He's my brother and I would give my life for him. So if you're going to kill him you have to kill me." I say and stand in front of my disrespectful brother acting as a shield. "I don't think anythin' like that's gonna happen while I'm here." A familiar voice says. I turn my head and see Goku. He smiles at me in his normal happy way and I can't help but smile back. "Mom always said you'd be the death of us all. I guess she was ri-" he's cut off by Goku punching him in the face. "That's no way to talk to your family." He says in a serious voice. "You pathetic monkey! You dare punch a prince!?" Ace yells. Vegeta scoffs. "He'd do it again just for fun and his punches are no walk in the park I'll tell you that." Vegeta says with an eye roll.

Goku smiles sheepishly and scratches the back of his head. "Here we go again." I say and cross my arms. "Boys please. I would love to speak with my brother." I say looking at Goku then to Vegeta. "I'm not your brother." Ace says scoffing. It pains my heart to hear those words but it's his decision to hate me. I can't change that. "You're just a piece of Salsulus (pronounced Sals-u-lus) crap." Ace says but then he gets another angry punch from Goku. A tear starts to surface but I blink it back. "If that's what you think if me then leave. Leave this planet and never step foot in this universe or my universe, again." I say darkly with my head down casting a shadow over my face.

"Dear God you've done it now." Vegeta says and steps away. Ace walks over to me and stands in my face. "Make me." He says tauntingly. I smirk evilly and crack my knuckles. "There's a reason they call me The Grim reaper." I say and flash step to behind him and punch him in the spine. "You are currently paralyzed from the waist down. If you wish to be healed then obey." I whisper in his ear. He nods his head frantically and painfully. "Alright then. Goku, senzu bean please?" I say politely and he nods reaching me one. "Take this and leave. Do not come back unless you wish to speak to me peacefully." I say and he nods. I reach it to him, he takes it and leaves. "I'm proud of you Y/n." Goku says coming to stand beside me. "Why?" I ask turning my head to look at him. "You didn't rip his guts out and wear them as a trophy." He says with a chuckle. Goku has really calmed down and gotten smarter in the past two years since we met. He's still stupid but not as much. "Hey Goku." I say and look over to meet his eyes. "Yeah?" He says turning to look at me. I smile at him and turn my body to face his. I step closer to him and I hear his heartbeat pick up. I lean in and kiss his lips lightly. "I love you too." I say and he smiles widely and wraps his arms around me bringing me into a kiss.

Hey so here's a new update. Since I done it on another one of my books, should I do a lemon? Just comment your answer but until next time!❤️

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