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○Your outfit○

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○Your outfit○

Jin ~ Kim Seokjin ♡

"Welcome in Ladies"

You whispered to yourself reading the foreign word before following in after your two best friends, Agata and Salome.

All three of you made your way to a reserved area on the right side of the runway like stage.
Within seconds a blond male wearing nothing but tight leather pants and a bow tie was at your table taking your order.

"Good evening Ladies what can I get y'all  tonight?"

"That ass on the menu?" Salome joked making the server blush. Garnet, now over a fare complexion.

Clearing your throat you waved your hand so his attention was now on you.
"We'll take a negroni, an aviation, oh and a sazerac for my bold friend here"

"Right away miss"

"Aiiish Salome you scared Ken away!"

"As long as he's not plastic where it counts"

Obnoxious laughs erupted in your booth as you all laughed at Salome, God you loved them both so much.

"Here you go ladies" Ken said handing each of you your drinks

Taking a sip of the bitter, red substance you turned to the stage a few meters away. The dimming lights and suggestive music hinted this would be a rather entertaining night.

And it was for the first twentie minutes or so... Older white women littered the stage throwing fifty dollar bills.

"Didn't know they were having their senior specials tonight" you whispered chuckling at your own joke.
Your friends were too focused on all the Tyrones, Michaels, and Juans dancing to songs like Pony, Grind on me, & Ride.

They all went without introduction, except for the last. A dark haired angel appeared from wine colored curtains. With the aura of a Greek God and the body of one too. Long tar colored hair fine as silk, a face the color of fresh cream with pink plump lips, broad shoulders and a sculpted physique.
Unlike these cliche men dressed as firemen, and police officers he wore black dress pants and the top part of a matching suit. He carried himself with such class, no way in hell did he belong in a place like this.

All the lights went off as the owner of the joint announced his name "Ladies please welcome our star performer"
So that's his name 'Jin' . A name fit for a king.

Call out my name by The Weeknd began to play as Jin slowly slipped out of his jacket. His jacket was now on the floor and his head was rolled back as he began touching himself. Running his hands along his torso and into his pants lowering them, while swaying his hips back and forth to the soft beat. Occasionally thrusting his hips at the end of body roles.

You were speechless your eyes never left his body not even to blink. You were so entranced in his movement you didn't notice his eyes were on you till Agata pointed it out. Your eyes landed on his brown ones.
He bit his lip before a slight smirk appeared. At that moment you realized he was not only dancing but performing, all for you. His moves were much more aggressive and suggested something wild mayby even dark. But you would be lying if you said you didn't love it. Who wouldn't he was what every woman's wet dream consisted of. God you wanted him so bad.
As the song came to an end Jin brought him hand to his lips and blew you a kiss before grabbing his jacket and disappearing behind the curtains.
He left leaving you flustered and wet. You were full of need with no one to satisfy you.


Thank you all for reading dont forget to vote and comment !
Suggestions and requests ALWAYS open
love y'all😚🤞


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