Chapter 12: the blessing child

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I watch in terror.

Nii-san and the demon fighting. They don't want me get hurt. I hide in the toilet since they fight in the room.
My stomach hurt this time.

"What the??"

I look at my stomach. My belly growing.

"Let me guest... I'm a demon.. this baby will birth soon!" I remember how demon life should be.
I feel like I can't breathe.
I open the door. I look at my sister wrath and her eve. "Nee-san!!" I call her. She look at me. "The baby" I whispered. Her eye wide. She took her eve and run toward me. They enter and lock the door.
"This is hard.. your a demon. Demon who pregnant... They non like vampire or human. That mean today.. the baby will birth"

Kuro POV

I glare at shin.

"Haha! You think you can fight me that easily?! Well.. vampires like you are the most weaker. Even for your gigantic lion form!" He swing the sword toward me. I dogged.
"You the Reason my lil sister pregnant" I say.
"Ehh??? Well yes! I'm here not to fight against you but I want here... So bad! But you make her hate me!! She my only friend when we are kid!!" He dogged my Attack.
"Let me tell you a goddamns story"


That day...I was at my mansion backyards playing with my sister. They hate me so much that day. Because I'm an only human in family.

"Big sis.. can I play with you?"

"No! Your a human we don't want to play with a human! Let's go girl"
The other girl laugh at me and leave.
I sit at behind the trees crying.

"Pstttt!! Hey."

Someone throw a rock and hit my head.

"Ow. Who do that?!" I angrily say.
"Me" a voice say. I look up to see a girl with long white hair.
"Hey you know the detection to the village?? I lose my siblings track" she say.
"Who are you?" I say. She jump and landed in front me. "The symphony. Call me Yuki." She say. "that a weird name." I say. "ofc its weird. I'm a Vampires." She say.
"Vampire?! How came?!"
"Well.. a doctor... Turn me into one when I already are dead." She say.
"Well..I'm supposed to be a demon... But my mom birth me as a human.."

"Shin? Are you here?" My mom enter my hideout. Her eyes wide when she look at the white hair girl name Yuki.
"Who this cute girl?" She say while holding Yuki small hand. "I'm yuki! The Vampires"
"Vampires? Wow.. shin you have a Vampires Friend?"
"We just meet" I say.
"Oh. I'm shin mother. Nice to meet you, Yuki. Don't you wanna go inside the mansion? We prepare a food to you."

"Sure!" She say happily.
"All rights. Lets clean you up."


After she done cleaning. She was at the kitchen. My sister look at her like a bitch they are.

"Hey. Shin is that a human friend of yours?" My big sis say. Her friends laugh out loud.
"She not a human. She a vampire" I say glare at her.


"I never sees a vampire before.."

"I heard Vampires are weak and ugly..."

"But she look cute.."

They ran to yuki and adored her how cute she is. I can see Yuki begin uncomfortable.
"Hey leave her alone!! She doesn't like being adored by a girly bitch!!" I say.
"What do you say?"
She punch me.
I punch her back.

"S-stop!! Don't fight him!!" Yuki pull the bitch away.

"Stay away bitch!" She kick her away.

I see she summon a katana.

"I said stop!!" She block the fight using her glowing katana.
"She...have a power"

Yuki katana then disappear and she go to help me.

"What kind of Vampires are you" I ask.
"Servant vampire. I can summon any weapon to protect my human master. Don't worry I'll will protect you!" She smile at me.


"...but... 3 months later..  my dad turn me into demon. When she bring you to see my dad. You change your mind about be friends with demon."  Shin say while crying.
"That... I have really bad relationship between your dad. So I won't let her near you. Now as you see.. she one hell of a demon...its because of you"
I Attack him.
"Don't play easily on me Kuro!! Haha!!"

"Kuro! Ready!" Mahiru say.
When we about to attack him.


We all froze in place. We turn to look at the toilet. Wrath holding a blanket.
I ran towards them.
I look carefully... Its a baby.
I open the toilet door.

Yuki was sleeping there cuz of hard work to birth a beautiful baby.

"Its a girl." Say wrath. "My niece.."
I pick Yuki up and go toward the bed.
I put her there.

"Sleep well my lil sister..." I say and kiss her forehead.  I can see she smiled in her sleep.

I look at Shin. My eyes wide.
He collapsed at the floor, breathless.
The other demon laugh and run.

'Why are they leave their own master?! '

I ran towards him and help him.

"I-i can't understand! My father want to kill me like that! Tch!!" He say.
I let him lay beside Yuki. Lust treat his wound. "You want my sister right?" I say. He nod. "You allowed to be her husband... By now. You own the child."  I say.

---yuki pov

I woke up in the morning. I turn to the left to see...SHIN!!

"Ngghh... Honey you awake early?" He say in his sleep. I blush. "y-yeah. But what are you doing here.."
He put his hand around me. "Your brother allowed me to..." And back to his sleep. I can't believe Kuro actually let him to stay with me. I buried my face at his chest, excited.

"Waaaa!! " A cry from the other side. I get out From his grib and stand up. I go to check the baby I birth last night.
I pick her up.

I let her drink a milk from a bottle ofc. My breast are flat, how you expect?

Then I go toward my bed and Sit there.

"She beautiful like her mother..." I look behind to see shin morning face.
"Aren't you go to work?" I say.
"I'm the boss of the company. I can go to work at afternoon." He say. "So you wanna spend time with me and this kid." I say. "Uh-huh. Also what you name her anyway??"

I think of a name.

"Hmm... I name her Chie" I say.
"Oh? A blessing child." Say Shin.
I look at him.
"What with that poker face?" I say.
"We should go to shopping. The baby need to wear something that fit her." He say. "You can buy something expensive. Idc"
I make an evil grin. ' everything that expensive huh?'


She the symphony!~ (Servamp fanfic) //COMPLETED//Where stories live. Discover now