Confused Feelings

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Glimmer POV

I lie awake in my bed, restless. My sleep schedule had always been messed up, but now that I had a crush, it was terrible. Every night, when I closed my eyes, all I could think about was her. The way her blonde hair flows when she's in battle, the sparkle in her eyes when we go to festivals, and that isn't even mentioning when she turned into the ancient warrior, She-Ra. The only word to describe her like that was, well, hot.

I let out an exasperated sigh as I rolled over, putting my pillow over my head. Her cute little smiley face wouldn't leave my thoughts alone, and like I had done several times, I slightly lifted the pillow to see my clock. 3:10 A.M., great. Looks like I'll just pull an all-nighter, or maybe I'll be able to sleep. Sitting up, I ruffle my already messy hair, sending sparkles flying everywhere. They were more than usual, mainly because of my crush thoughts, but they flew freely around me until they dispersed into thin air.

Suddenly, I hear the slight creak my bedroom door makes. Terror strikes through me as possible scenarios play through my head. But I eventually work up the courage to look down from my, thankfully, high floating bed. The room was fairly dark, especially since I turned off my string fairy lights a couple hours ago, but I could make out a shadow that went to my doorway, and soon to my step platforms. Upon closer inspection, I saw signature blonde hair, a long sleeved white shirt, and the glistening of tears. It was Adora.

Teleporting as fast as I could, I made my way down to her, wrapped my arms around her, and got back up to my bed. Even when we made it back up, I didn't let go of her, and she ended up wrapping her arms around my neck, crying into my shoulder. Must be another bad nightmare, and I don't think they've ever been this bad. But, she is really soft, not to mention warm. Ugh, focus Glimmer, she needs your help! After snapping myself out of my gay thoughts, I let her steady her breathing before thinking about asking her anything.

"I-I thought I l-l-lost y-you Glimmer. I w-was so scared.." She only hugged me tighter, nuzzling her head into me even more. I, admittedly, blushed at this action, but I knew I had to keep it together. For her sake. "Shh, it's was only a nightmare. I'm right here, see?" I push her back, letting her look at me. She gave a light smile, warming my heart to no end. I took my hand and began wiping her tears away from her face, my palms on her cheeks. In her eyes, I could see a little shimmer, though I soon realizing that I was letting off so many sparkles, that I might as well have been a walking night light.

Through sniffles, Adora began to giggle at me, making my face grow red out of embarrassment. I try to shoo them away, but nothing was working. I just ran a hand through my hair and gave up, giving out a breath filled laugh. Her laugh is amazing... After we were finished laughing, I decided it would be best to ask her about the dream, since it always seemed to help her in times like this. "So, you ok to tell me what happened in this dream?"

Her smile turned into a fine line that went across her face, making the happy atmosphere shift. She moved uncomfortably, looking down at her fidgeting hands. "Well, it started with me, you, Bow, and the rest of the princesses just hanging out. Then the horde came. They took everybody, well, everybody except y-you. Then Catra came out, and went next to you. T-then she...s-she...." More tears formed in her eyes as she latched onto me once again. Though not crying as much, I could still hear her breath hitch as her back went up and down. One of my hands made circles on her back, while the other stroked her hair. I admired how soft it was, and how well kept she had it.

Feeling Adora pull back from this long, warm hug, I looked at her. She looked away, her face slightly pink. "W-well, I'm glad y-you're ok, I don't know what I would do if you were g-gone." This genuine words would never leave my mind, just knowing that she cared about me this much was amazing. "Heh, it's happening again..." She was now rubbing her face, with a hand on her stomach. This worried me, thinking that something bad going on once again.

"What's wrong Adora?" I put a hand on hers, the one on her face. She moved it slightly, uncovering her gorgeous face. "Promise you won't think I'm weird..?" She made eye contact again, making the world seem to stop around us. "Promise." I responded, giving her a light smile. She did the same, knowing that I would never judge her, no matter what weird thing she was about to tell me. I wonder what it is.

She took a deep breath, then began to tell me everything she was feeling. "Alright, so around the first week I joined the rebellion, I started feeling...different. When I was around...a certain person, my heart would beat so fast I thought I was sick. Also, my face would get all red and I felt like I was going to puke. But, it didn't feel bad, it only made me want to get closer and closer to them. Not only physically, but emotionally. And I don't know what to do about it!"

Was I...was I hearing this right? Did she just say she had a crush on someone? All the while she was saying this, she broke our eye contact, obviously embarrassed. I tried to calm her, keeping my voice light and gentle. "W-we'll, who is this 'person'? Don't worry, you can tell me." More glitter fragments appeared around me, my excitement growing. I put my hand onto her shoulder, trying to calm her down. Adora took a deep breath before letting the word escape her mouth:

I froze, not prepared for what she just said. My mouth went completely dry, and I felt like passing out from pure joy. "I-it's called a c-crush." Was all I could push out, until her words completely processed. "Be right back." I teleported away, to somewhere in the Whispering Woods, and began squealing. I spun around, almost tripping, but I caught myself on a tree.

Everything dissipated into shining lights as I teleported back to my bed, a huge, goofy smile still stuck to my face. Adora looked back at me, confused but patient for answers. I once again looked her in those eyes of hers and began telling her what her feelings mean. "It's called a crush. It means that you want to be in a relationship with them. It's like being their friend, but with kissing and cuddling, calling each other cute names, and generally wanting to spend your time with the other person. That's the best I can explain it, because when you are in one, things just feel...right." Near the end, I could feel my neck and ears light up, and a light show go off around me.

Though, the girl in front of me seemed relieved, but also a bit worried at the same time. "Oh...hen this is probably weird for you. I'll just...go back to my room if you feel uncomfortable with-" She was about to get off my bed, but I grabbed her arm and cut her words off. A look of surprised flashed on her face as I did. "No! I-I mean...I actually feel the same way. For a while now actually, heh. Here, you can sleep here for the night. If y-you want, that is." I sheepishly trail my sentence off, and let out a breathy laugh.

Her arm moved away, scaring me for a bit, until I felt her fingers interlock with mine. "C-can I do this, then?" The embarrasses look she gave along with her flushed face made the fluttering in my stomach worse. I squeezed her hand for reassurance before lightly pulling her towards the head of my bed. Putting my head on the pillow, I signal her to do the same. She does, at the same time bringing herself closer. Her head finds itself in the crook of my neck, out arms around each other's waist, and our legs touching but not yet tangled.

"You comfy?" I asked, trying to not upset her, or rush this in any way she didn't like. I could feel her nod as she nuzzled closer to me. A light smile played at my lips as I felt her breath on my neck, and her back come up and down with each calming breath she took. I began to feel drowsy, like her presence was enough to lull me to sleep. And it did, making my vision fade to black and that warm feeling in my chest still lingering.

Yeah this isn't too long, but if you have requests for this than go ahead. I'll also do AU stuff, and if you really want it, smut (but if you don't I'll keep it pure). Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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