+Play Date+

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"Kayla." I hear but ignore. "Kayla wake up." Ignored. "Kaayyllla wake up!" Turn ignored. "That's it." The next thing I know I'm cold and all wet.

"What the hell Sasuke I'm trying to sleep here." I mumble siting up I'm 7 right now.

"We gotta go to the academy." He said laughing pulling me up.

"Ok lemme change first."

"And Kayla."


"Hide your ears and tail."

"Why?! I like my ears and tail."

"Just do it."

"Fine mr. Sasgay." I groan as I was smacked, "OW! your not allowed to hit girls!" I growl at him turning around smacking him back with my tail.

~10 minutes later~

"Ok done." I say walking out of my house.

"Ok good lets go."

"Wait a minute." He froze as I spoke.

"How did you get in my house?" I ask tilting my head.

"Uh your mom let me in." He said starting to speed walk.

"What's your hurry you don't wanna get caught by the fan-girls." I say evil grinning.

"You wouldn't." He said backing away.

"Oh I would. GIRLS SASUKE IS OVER HERE LOOKING FOR A GIRLFRIEND!!" I yell then jump on a tree avoiding a stampede.

"Kayla ill get you back for this!" He yelled running for his life.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR GOING INTO MY HOUSE FROM MY WINDOW!" I yell back dashing to the academy. I get there to be surrounded by boys. "Uh guys let me through." I say trying to push them.

"No can do." One says pushing me into a wall. Here we go again I always get pinned by someone then they try to kiss me but lucky me they fight and I get away.

"Ok class sit down and where is sasuke and all the girls?" Iruka-sensei asked.

"Sasuke is getting chased by them of course." I say putting my head down. Sasuke comes in sweating he sends a glare to me but I ignore him. Iruka was talking none stop about charka and what not I already know this stuff which annoys me.

A man walks in whispering something in his ear. "Class ill be right back stay quiet." He said dashing out of the room.

"It's Naruto again." I say getting up from my desk sitting next to kiba. "What's up dog." I grin doing a peace sigh to him.

"Hey Kayla." He grinned hugging me.

"Where's akamaru." I ask making puppy dog eyes.

"No you aren't having him."

"B-but he loves me." I say anime crying.

"No he doesn't he just likes you." He said letting go crossing his arms." With an erk mark.

"Ah I see your just jelly." I laughed.

"Am not!" He said fast flustered.

"Hey! EVERYONE KIBA IS J-" He covers my mouth.

"Fine here." He said handing me Akamaru who barked happily at me.

"See he loveess me." I smirk petting him.

"Whatever." He mumbled putting his head down. Then the door opened I ran back to my seat which is next to Naruto he's never here sometimes.

Iruka came in pulling Naruto by his collar. "Naruto stop going into the book store and reading ****!" Iruka yelled throwing Naruto in the seat he is meant to be in. Everyone was laughing but not me of course.

"Wow Naruto so you read that stuff why?" I asked grinning.

"Oh I'm making a jutsu BELIEVE IT!" He said.

"Oh what kind?" I ask moving closer to him.

He was blushing. "It's called the sexy jutsu." He whispered in my ear.

"Oh you got to teach me." I say grinning we both high five making a break for it.

"KAYLA, NARUTO GET BACK HERE!!" Iruka yelled running after us. We're still running which is getting to be a bore now.

"Naruto I got an idea." I say disappearing from his sight. I get a bucket put some peanut butter and milk mixing it together then I poof back to naruto who was hiding in the back of a tree. "Naruto I'm back and I got this." I say evil grinning.

"Kayla that's a strong sent of peanut butter- oh don't tell me."

"Yep you got it right once we throw this on him, a lot of dogs are gonna smell it and come running for it." I say giving him a bucket.

"Ok your gonna be the decoy then ill throw it on him first then when he looks at me your turn to throw it." I grin.

"Ok ." We both grin evilly.

Iruka was walking back to the school I guess he gave up on us. "Iruka-Sensei!" Naruto said hiding the bucket behind his back.

"NARUTO WHERE'S KAYLA!" That's when I throw the peanut butter on him then it was Naruto turn.

"KAYLA NARUTO GET BACK HERE NOW!!" We didn't listen just ran back to the school in a heart beat.

We sit down the bell rang, everyone was about to leave but Iruka came in, he looked funny. Tuffs of fur were on him and still a lot of peanut butter.

"Class dismissed expect Naruto and Kayla." We both grunt sitting back down.

"But Iruka-sensei my moms gonna get mad at me for being home late." I whine banging my head on the desk.

"To bad that's what you get for doing this to me." He said then we hear scratching at the door lucky for him he put desks in front of the door. Poor puppies.

~1 hour later~

It was already night time. "Iruka-sensei it's already night time may we home now." I ask yawning. He nodded me and Naruto leave going are separate ways. When I was walking home I smelt blood and fire. I ran to see dead bodies running to my house I go inside only to see my mom on the ground in wolf form dead. "M-mommy! You gotta get up you can't be dead your the queen." I start crying loud, then I was knocked down all I saw were crimson red eyes looking at me then darkness pulled me in.









.(This is meant to be flamed angel but a renew one since I deleted it I made a new one. PLZ COMMENT AND VOTE comment if you got any questions) xp






. Kayla_Uchiha out!

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