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611 words

age: 19/20


Eddie Kaspbrak was an average guy. Despite his unusual height for 19-year-old, he had good friends, went to a good college, and made good grades. (more like aced all of his classes).

He was walking to his late-night Biology class, which he wasn't sure he took cause he was no night owl, and he heard two people arguing.

He walked a little farther and saw two people- one really tall man, Eddie assumed he was a foot taller than him. His hair was curly, really curly, and his head was against the wall, like he was annoyed. He couldn't see his face, but he could tell he was very attractive. 

His eyes then shifted to the girl- she was shorter than him, but only by a few inches. Her hair was short, and was this fiery red color. It fits her well, Eddie thought. -

He heard the smaller girl hiss before spitting out, "I can't keep doing this, Richie! Not with you!" Richie. Nice name. "Then don't fucking do it, Bev! I can get any girl in the school! You're just wasting my time." 

The words 'I can get any girl in the school' replayed in Eddie's mind over and over. Eddie had known he'd liked guys for a while now, but any chance he may have had with this 'Richie', had flown out the window.

"Look," Bev's tone was softer now, "You're an amazing friend, but I love Ben. I can't keep doing whatever this is." Richie nodded, and Bev kissed his cheek before turning to make total eye-contact with Eddie.

Eddie quickly ducked his head, a blush filling his cheeks.

Bev simply walked over to the small boy, and whispered to him, "I'm sorry you had to hear that," she ruffled his hair and walked off.

Eddie fixed his hair and glanced at her before progressing to Biology. He felt Richie's eyes glued to him, but he didn't want to look back at him. 

Eddie got to class 10 minutes early, and sat in the back. All he could think about was Richie.

"I thought he liked girls?," Eddie spoke softly to himself. "Thought who liked girls?," the voice startled the small boy, and he turned to make total eye-contact with Richie. 

Now that he could see his face, Eddie saw that Richie was a total hottie. His eyes were dark and full of lust, his hair was a total curly, but cute, mess, and his cheeks were lightly dusted with little freckles. His breath smelt of mint and cigarettes and his lips were slightly chapped, yet they seemed soft.

"N-no one," Eddie stuttered out, and Richie chuckled softly, sitting next to the boy. "Sorry about that whole thing with Bev. She can get pretty feisty."

Eddie nodded nonchalantly, but Richie kept talking. "I think I'm going at it all wrong, though. I've been chasing all these girls, but I need to switch it up." "What do you mean?," Eddie asked curiously. "I mean, I need to stop chasing girls. I miss having a cute little boyfriend. Besides, the boys here are way more attractive than the girls," Richie looked directly at Eddie, and Eddie's cheeks heated up with a furious blush.

"What's your name. cutie?" Richie asked, leaning in a little. "Eddie...Eddie Kaspbrak." "How cute, it fits you. I'm Richie. Richie Tozier." Eddie smiled a little, his cheeks a bright, bright pink.

Richie leaned in, and Eddie could've sworn he felt Richie's lips lightly brush against his when the professor walked in, causing Richie to turn and sit right in his seat, clearing his throat a bit. Eddie pouted slightly, not noticing Richie had noticed, and he turned around in his seat as well, barely focusing on the lesson. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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