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" Excueji me , Mr Kim need to see you now " Secretary Lee said to Taehyung , he nodded before her secretary left his office. 

He stand up and prepare his outfit before he left his office but....

" Appa where are you going ?"

Okey ? He forgot that he also bring Taetae with him since he is to small to leave alone in his apartment beside he scared if something bad happen at him .

" You sit down here and don't move anywhere from this office -"

" I can walk around and take a look papa ? " His eyes when widen ..

Papa ?

" ergh okey but don't broke anything here especially glasses around my desk " Taetae nod his head

" ukey appa ! " he start walked around after Taehyung left the office room to his father office.

He knock the door slowly and was answer by his father to enter .

" Appa , I'm coming " he said and seat down front his father desk while his father still read the newspaper .

" Why come so early today ? " He closed his newspaper and look at Taehyung .

" any relevant answer ? "

Taehyung shook his head .

" late ? " he nod his head and smile .

" don't lie " His eyes when widen.

" I saw on the CCTV ....."

That's mean his father saw everything ? Especially Taetae outside his apartment room ? Dead if he saw everything ....

" O-oh that's a-ppa ... It ... Was ... Wrong ... I think .. " He looked at his father and gulped his saliva

He die when it goes to his place right now

" I dont know thats wrong I think its wrong when you are walking around the apartmen with your red boxers ! "

He don't know ! Yes that's what he thought , he very lucky at everything !

Taehyung released his breath and laughing, fell saved that his father don't know about Taetae coming to his house .

" Are you crazy tae ? You are the new CEO to the Kim enterprise that was praised by people with your looks , your outfit , your stamina and your personality but when it goes to your daily life ... Its same like dumb people "

Mr.Kim never expect that his son like this . He thought his son habits will faded when he send him to school far from country but no , his habits still stuck on himself and that's make Mr.Kim frustrated .

" Appa , I think I have to go . I have so many work left "

" Just go , you are lazy head that's why your work still many left on this time "

By then taehyung stand up and bow before he left the room , he need to check his office if there's anything wrong because he bring TaeTae along with him .

" I'm com- what the ..." as he open his office door , there he amazed by looking around his office .

" Appa !! " Taetae call him while ran to him , hug his thigh very tight .

" What are you doing ? " He looked around his wall office and floor , All the drawing paper is everywhere with the crayon and markers .

" I draw all this for appa and everyone ! I want appa to glue my drawing at appa office and look at it everyday ! " He said and smile kindly towards Taehyung .

" Why did you that ? You messed all in this office . you know what ? Im so tired to call the cleaner to wash all of this mess , I don't like all your drawing especially this ! " he point at Taetae drawing that was he and Taehyung holding hands .

" Go throw all your drawing or I never bring you here again " Taetae with his pout collect all his work and hold it , look at Taehyung with his teary eyes .

" Why did you do this , my office is ran of paper right now " Taehyung still mumbled while collect all Taetae drawing and give it to him but he didn't take it .

" Take it " Taetae shook his head , his eyes already dropping a shine water to his cheeks without wipe it . Taehyung look at him and sigh .

" Why you crying ? I'm just telling you the truth that I don't want you to make mess around my office , its give me headache .. Beside -"

" I do it because I love appa ! I want appa to remember that appa have Taetae ! Appa don't love Taetae ! Appa hate Taetae and never accept Taetae ! Taetae love appa like how omma said to Taetae ! " His eyes can't take it and Burst all his tears

Taehyung sometime feel sad when he think that he is not good father toward Taetae , he never think about his son needed . He never show his loves to Taetae since he never accept Taetae as his son .

" That not what we're talking tae-"

" No ! I don't want to talking with you ! " he ran and hide beside Taehyung desk while wiping his tears , Taehyung chuckled at his cuteness and sigh release .

At least he make some cute even he not in mood .

" come out , I want to talk with you " He said but Taetae didn't answer .

" Come on .. Don't be arrogant , you will regret later " Still Taetae didn't give any response .

Taehyung smile and think some idea to make Taetae go to him .

" There are ghost behind you " he said and laughing .

" But you are behind me right now , so you are ghost " Taehyung gulped his saliva , this Taetae so sarcasm he think .

" okey by then ... What if we go outside and talk ? We need to talk you know?." He walk near to where Taetae hide .

" I don't want to walk " his sulky voice make Taehyung giggled , so cute he think .

" then ? What you want ? "

He wait for Taetae answers and hoping that his answer not the damn answer .

" I want omma "

"Eh ? "


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