IMPORTANT Question. (and other updates on me)

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Ehh. It wasn't reeeeally important but it's still up there. Should I try to write one shots? Like, for me it probably would help with writers block because I don't have to stick with one story line for long.

Also, I'm still working on my stories so yeah... that's fun.

Anybody want to know about my Thanksgiving? Sure? Yeah, ok for those of you that care, I met on of my cousins who is a bit older than me. But, we both had the exact same interests (ok not exact but pretty close.) We were talking about doing art, and how I just started doing digital. So I was like, wait one second I have my kindle out in the car, I can show you one of my drawings. Anyways, I get back in, and find one (it was the only one I actually liked on digital) so I show it to her and she was like ' Is ThAt PiDgE?' And I almost cried (1. Because she could actually tell who it was. And 2. She likes Voltron!) Anyways, we go on talking about random things through the night. Also, I think she has a YouTube art channel which I've been meaning to find, so, yeah. What's your favorite Thanksgiving food and/or tradition? (If you even celebrate)

Anyways, good bye and till next time *cue outro music*

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