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Hey guys!!!! im back! and I just wanted to say thank you for the 400 views on my story! I do appreciate you guys and I do hope you had a great thanksgiving! Gragneel (P.S. this will be long)

~Gray's POV

"Lyon?! What the hell are you doing here??" I screamed.

"Well you don't love Juvia like I do! And she needs a guy who can protect her and love her if you know what I mean!" He smirks.

"Lyon-sama I love Gray forever!" She pouts.

"Yes but.... Gray doesn't love you back... not like I do." He mumbles.

I really did get pissed.. I mean like... I love h-herr.? Uhm and I can protect her! Im stronger than that bastard! I freaking beat him before!!

"Juvia lets go.." I growled.


"Lyon, if you dare to look at Juvia or even breathe the same Mavis-damn air... I will not hesitate to find you.... and you will regret for ever trying to take what's mine..." I said turning my head a bit to see a sideview of him.

I then grabbed Juvia's hand and walked off. Lyon said something but I could not hear it, so whatever.

"Gr-gray-sama! what are you doing!"

"Im getting you away from him? What else.."

She yanked me back and I turned to look back, she seemed pissed..

"Oi, what the hell Juvia?"

"Y-you cant choose who Juvia talks to! How could you said Juvia is yours but you never did anything to make that happen!"

"Juvia.. Lyon was trying to take you away from me! Like I would have that happen!" I argued.

"Juvia is not yours to begin with! You never confessed to Juvia! you never told Juvia you loved me! Juvia always tells you how she feels! You always push Juvia away!" She starts to sob and pulls out of my grip and walks away.

"Crap....." I mumbled.


~Lucy's POV

I was at the guild, Natsu was playing with Happy as usual. I felt a lot of tension between Natsu and I.. and not like.. bad tension.. more like... sexual tension. AH! I sound like a pervert!!

I walked over to Mira and sit down.

"Mira.. can I have a strawberry milkshake please?" I say while putting my head down.

"Oh, sure thing Lucy, are you feeling alright?"

Im not sure if I should tell Mira how I feel, I mean she is a good friend of mine! Maybe, I could trust her?

"Just feeling weird.." I whisper.

"Is it about Natsu?" She smiles.

".....yes...." I blushed.

"What's wrong?"

"Well... he confessed to me! But I never said anything back! and I-I like him too of course! But now im just avoiding having to tell him  how I feel! And now... I feel.... the needs of a girl... you know... " I blushed and covered my face with the table.

"Aw Lucy! I get it! Try to seduce him then!" She squeals.

Seduce? I never thought of that! Of course! I hope I have good sex appeal...

"Thanks Mira!"

I ran over to Natsu and grabbed his scarf and pulled him close, but not too close!

"Dinner at my house, dress nice please." I whispered and rushed out of there.


~No one's POV

Lucy was in her kitchen, setting up a meaty meal for the hungry dragon slayer that was coming later. Lucy was wearing a red dress that was backless, and a slit in the middle that exposed her perfect thighs. Her cleavage was much more because of the special bra she wore.

Her hair was let out since Natsu loves it when its natural. Her hair became wavy and fluffy because she just took a shower.

The magic wizard woman was grabbing 2 wine glasses from a cabinet. She also grabbed a Large bottle of wine. She was planning to make him drunk first.

After a good hour, dinner was ready, it was a large steak for the fire mage and a nice salad for the female wizard. There was chocolate-covered-strawberries for dessert! Lucy was ready for this!

Around 7:45, Natsu came in with a white shirt and black pants. His scarf was around his neck as usual. He looked pretty okay for his character.

"Whoa Luce, you look different! But the food looks good!" Natsu says while holding in a blush.

"Take a seat, dinner is ready." Lucy said in a romantic way.

"Thanks for the food" He starts to eat and makes a face that says, 'This is so good!'

After aa couple minutes, Natsu was finished.

"That was amazing Luce!" He gave his smile to her.

"Dessert?" She smiles.

"Oh yes!" He gets excited.

Lucy went up and grabbed the fresh strawberries and then sat in Natsu's lap. This confused Natsu and made him swallow hard.

"L-luce.. what are you doing?" He questioned.

"Open!" She said seductively.

He obeyed and opened his mouth.. blushing a bit, the strawberry came and he took a bite. It was delicious once again.

This time Lucy grabbed another strawberry and dipped it in chocolate that was in a bowl next to her salad.

Lucy put the strawberry covered in chocolate and smothered all over her lips.

Natsu tilted his head and blushed, he swallowed again but this time Lucy was able to see his Adam apple move along. She could tell he was getting nervous. Of course this turned on Lucy even more, she clenched her thighs together so she can control her self.

"If you want more, come and get it." She said while smirking.

Natsu pulled Lucy in slowly and licked Lucy's lips. He felt drawn to do more, he began to suck her lips and slowly kiss Lucy. Lucy melted and began to kiss back.

Natsu pulled back and licked his lip to get any excess chocolate around his mouth.

Lucy then put chocolate on her neck. Natsu shivers and he began to sweat. He remembers this part of him dream he had earlier before.

"L-lucy.." He mumbled.. he began getting an erection.

"Last dessert.. promise.." She said in a soft whisper.

Natsu came in close and licked her neck. Lucy gave small whimpers and put her hands on Natsu's hair. His hair was soft and fluffy, not as spiky as it looked.

Suddenly he bit on her neck, making Lucy moan loudly.

"N-Natsu! m-more!" She said moaning.

Natsu was clueless.. his erection was dagging into Lucy's stomach.. he had to stop, he had no idea what was happening to him.

"I-im tired.." He mumbles, thinking of something disgusting in order to make his erection go away, it worked, he thought of Gray wearing a bunny costume, it was a horrible sight.

"H-huh?" Lucy said.

"Im ganna go to bed!" He said cheerfully hoping to hide his nervousness.

"Uh...oh.. okay.." Lucy got off of him and went to clean up.

"Night Natsu.." She said sadly.

"Night..." Natsu felt bad.. she sounded upset and had no idea why.

AGH! These situtations drives them both insane!

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