Love Myself

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Hello my dear readers!
Cookies-chan's here!😆😅

I know it took a really really long time for me to publish the new chapter, sorry (peace :v)

I just got WiFi (you know, WiFi-zoned kid😅)

On this chapter (which is I think is the longest chapter I've ever made) I'm using Hailee's song! (Hailee's fans somewhere out there?)

Like I said? This is the longest chapter, perhaps some of you might get bored, but I hope all of you read it 'till the end (my imagination just went out wild when I made this chapter😅😅)

There's a part that made actually while image was making the plot, but if you didn't cry all of the way 'till the end, it's okay, perhaps I just got too emotional

Let's just start it right away!


Naoto's POV

'Let's be friend'

That's what she said this morning

It's shocks me
And what did I say to her?


But how?


"Let's be friend"


"I want to be your friend", she said

"But, I-I.."

"You don't want to?", she asked curiously

"N-no, i-it's ju-just.."


"Ah! The bell! Is ringing! Should go back", I walked down through the stairs

"Hey! Don't forget that we're in the same class! I'm going with you!", she shouted from behind and ran toward me

"Oh..okay..", I tried to walk faster but well, she was faster than me and successfully caught up with me

Flashback ends~

That's how we got back


This is just too ridiculous


A popular girl want to be friend with me


Plus, she is my next-balcony friend, how am I supposed to face her? With all of my shyness!!?


"Nao!", King elbowed me that made me came back to reality



"Y-yes, sensei?", I'm in trouble

"Did you meet an alien in your imagination?", Kamagura-sensei, our Japanese literature teacher, asked, this made the whole class laughed


"Then, try to answer this one", he pointed out to the white board

"U-uh", great! Now, I'm in a serious danger, If I can't answer him, I'll be kicked out in no time

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