She could never replace her

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<<Adrien's P.O.V>>
It was after the incident with „The Frozer".
I stepped into the car and I felt angry. I didn't't know why, but I hated to see Luka with Marinette...
The way he looked at her...
It just made me angry.

<<Next Day>>

Nathalie woke me up. "Hurry up when you don't wanna get too late.", she said und went out of the room.
I immediately got up und went to dress myself.
"Hey, Kid! Why did you look at Marinette like that? You know, yesterday...", Plagg asked.
"What?", I wanted to know.
"Oooooh, somebody's in love", he said mockingly.
I looked at the clock.
I instantly shouted: "Shit, I'm already late!"
I began running as fast as I could.
On my way I saw Marinette running out of her house too.
I ran after her and we both made it to class in the last second.
We sat down and the lessons started.
„Look, she came too late again! Typical Dupain-Cheng!", somebody whispered loudly. Sabrina began laughing and Chloé smiled proud to herself.
Marinette rolled her eyes and whispered something to Alya.
After school ended I got stopped by Nino.
„Hey, dude! I organised something... And I also asked your bodyguard and he said you could come...", he said.
I responded: „Sure, but what exactly have you organised?"

<<Marinette's P.O.V>>

I And Alya went to the park.
Suddenly Nino came up to us with Adrien.
„Hey, May I borrow Alya for some time?", Nino asked.
I nodded and he left me alone with Adrien. I looked at him. He looked at me.
„So... What do you want to?", he asked me, not looking elsewhere.
„I-I er.... I do-don't know...", I stuttered.
Why did I always have to stutter? It was so stupid! If I could talk normally to him...
Suddenly we heard screaming.
Nino and Alya came up to us again. Nino with a big grin on his face. Alya was filled with joy and shouted: „Mari! Mari! I have a boyfriend now! Mari! Nino is my boyfriend!"
But then plants surrounded the park.
„I am THE PLANTER", said a voice, „all of my plants will take my revenge and nobody will ever rip my plants out of the earth and make them die, ever again!"
Marinette ran into the Next alley and shouted: „Tikki, spots on!"
And in a flash of pink light, she was Ladybug. She jumped out of the alley.

<<Adrien's P.O.V>>
As Ladybug jumped up to the plants he realised how much he really loved her. Marinette could never replace her, even if he thought so before.
He ran out of the park and found a good hiding spot.
„Plagg, claws out!", he shouted and transformed into Chat Noir.
„Miraculous Ladybug", she shouted and threw the yo-yo into the air.
After that she bumped her fist into mine and we both said: „Pound it!"
„Well, kitty I have to go now", she said but I stopped her.
„No! Wait! I wanted to give you something...", I said and pressed a rose into her hand.
„Um... thank you", she said and swang into the air.
I went into an alley and transformed back.
I ran back to the park and the others were already there.
„There you are!", Nino said.
Alya added: „ We were worried sick!"
And with that we spent the whole afternoon together.

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