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They pierce.
They shatter.
They break.
A scream can happen anytime, whether it's during a late carnival, or a heated argument.
During a war.

Hermione's dark eyebrows scrunched as she tossed in bed. She'd be going back to Hogwarts, unlike her two best friends. The witch had found herself in a sticky situation. Either she'd join the auror department, or go back to school. The answer was clear to her, but her friends wanted something different. It was fine, she'd be fine, right? Her eyes slowly travelled to the clock on her nightside table, or, the clock on the hotel's nightside table. Hermione still hadn't gotten around to visiting her parents, besides, they were probably happier without her.

6:31 AM

Hermione sighed, running a hand through her frizzy hair as she sat up. She had thirty minutes until she had to wake up. It was September 1st, a new school year, and it looked like she'd be a little early at the station.

People fumbled and mumbled as they passed her in the train station, either rushing to work, or to school. Hermione noticed just how many less kids there were going through the gate to the platform, so many had died. Too many. She waited about thirty minutes since the last person went in until she did. Her brown eyes scanned the area and she made her way towards the back. It was so early, the train hadn't arrived yet.

She let out a loud and drawn out sigh, facing the train tracks. The witch rocked back and forth on her feet, her suitcase in hand. Crookshanks stood at the girls feet, running around them and purring. She couldn't believe that he had survived the war, especially since so many of her friends didn't.

Her thoughts turned to Fred, his piercing green eyes, and his beautifully radiant red hair. And oh Merlin, his lopsided smile. She frowned, gnawing on her plump bottom lip to try and stop the tears that were starting to prick at her eyes. She had loved him, like a brother. She had also loved Ron, but that didn't work out.

"It was in the moment 'Mione, Lavender needs me."

Her tears soon faded as her sadness was replaced with anger. Stupid Weasley, leading her on. She shook her head, looking down and sniffling.

"Something wrong, Granger?" A familiar cocky voice asked, and she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Hermione immediately turned around, her eyes narrowing at the pale face in front of her. "It's none of your concern, Malfoy." She said simply, her hand clenching the strap of her suitcase tightly.

She unconsciously began to put her suitcase down, her hand pulling on her sweater sleeve roughly, hiding her 'war scar.' A scar she had received in this man's manor.

He shrugged nonchalantly, though a smirk graced his face. "I see."

As if on purpose, his foot collided with her bag, sending it on its side. His eyes widened, but only for a quick second before his face returned to its usual calm demeanor.

"So sorry." He drawled out insincerely.

Hermione simply glared at the blond, pulling on her left sleeve continuously. "Of course." She whispered out, then shaking her head. "Where's your observer?"

Then, his eyes twinkled with something. Something that said 'I know more than you.'

"Didn't you know?" He began, then pausing for dramatic effect. Draco's hideous smirk returned and he tsked. "It's you."


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