Damage Control

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      After I talked to my bosses, they suggested I put her in a safe house and take care of the husband. So I took her to my house and made sure to put my house in lock down mode. Only I can go in or out, when the house is locked down so she will be absolutely safe.

      After I make my rounds around the house I get back into my car and drive towards her house. I call for backup and tell them the location he's been staying at. He knew we were coming though. He probably figured it out when I knocked him out. I should have cuffed him then, but I couldn't blow my cover. A lot good that did....

      I see about six cop cars turn their lights on and they file right behind me. We close in on the house and I put my hand out the window to signal for them to go around the perimeter.

      We have to catch him this time. Only difference is, is now it's personal.
      I get a signal that the perimeter is clear, and I move towards the door.

      "Ok guys, this man is one of the most wanted, and very dangerous. Be very careful and don't open fire unless necessary. Now let's do this." I look around and everyone nods their heads. We move in and they flank left and right.

      Myself and two men are at the front door. Rick, the second-in-command, aims his gun at the door. I kick in the door and we move in. I can hear the guys kick in the back door.

      He's sitting in a recliner, sipping on a beer when he sees us. But somethings off. I look him up and down and see the vest.

      "Goeff, you don't want to do that. Your smarter than that. Now why don't you slowly take off the vest and put your hands behind your head." He seems at ease. I'm glad someone is....

      "You really think I'm that stupid. I'd rather die and take all of you with me than go to prison." I see the activator and his finger on the button, ready to push it.

      As I'm trying to reason with him i see one of my men inching towards the activator. I try and keep him distracted when he finally makes it to Geoff and manages to grab the activator.

      I release a sigh that I didnt even know I was holding. We move in and get the vest off of him, careful not to set it off. We put him in cuffs and Rick takes him off.

      "Good work guys! How about we go celebrate!" As soon as I said that we hear an explosion from outside.

      "Rick!" I run out of the house and see chunks everywhere. I drop to my knees and can't help the sob that comes after.

      If I had of checked him thoroughly then none of this would have happened.

      I'll never forgive myself...

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