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A/n: I'm pretty new to this so don't expect much 🤷 I hope you like it tho:))

"Ana wake up!" My brother John yells.  I grab my phone and looks at the time, 8:40 am. It's wayyyyy too early to be getting up. I get up to take a shower. As soon as I get out I put on my high waist jeans and a white crop top with my white high top Converse.
"Are you done packing up? We need to hurry out the door. We have a long drive to go!" My mom yells. She never told us where we're moving to but she said it was a 'new experience'.

"Okay, I'm all done" I say putting the last box of my stuff into the truck. I turn around thinking about all the memories I've had at that house, little tears start to form in the corners of my eyes. We all get into the truck and start driving to where ever my mom is taking us. "Mom, honestly, where are we going?" I ask giving her a confused look. "You'll find out soon honey, I promise. We're almost there."  She told me. I feel asleep to pass time.

*34 hours passes*  (honestly I don't know how much time it takes to drive🤷)

"Wake up babygirl. We're here" my mom says as she slightly moves me to wake me up. I finally open my eyes and see how beautiful the night sky is. I pick up my phone and take a snap of the new house. I put on my location sticker to see I was in LA. "Mom!!!! Los Angeles?!! Oh my goodness!! Are you serious?!!" I yell in excitement. She laughs and nods. I run and give her a BIGG hug. "i know you've been dreaming of moving down here. So I finally got enough money and bought a house." My mom  says as she grabs boxes "now wake up your brother and help me bring everything inside".


Okayyyy.. I know this chapter kinda sucked:/ excuse my grammar mistakes. I hope you like it. Thanks:))

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