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Brianna &' I decided to have a sleepover. We drove up to her driveway and walked inside. "Wow you have a really nice place!" I said. She laughed. "yeah my parents are in the back house, this one is all mine and my brothers." My jaw fell right to the floor.
We walked upstairs to her room. I sit in her bed and start to look at my phone. A message from Diego.


Diego: hey, the guys and I are going to the studio tomorrow. Wanna go?

Me: yeah sure:))

"Who are you talking to??" Bri ask in a joking way. "ohh, is it Diego??!"
I look up at her and laugh. "Oh donut is Diego?! Girrrlllll get ittt!!!" She pushes my arm and we both laugh.

"He wants me to go to the studio with him tomorrow. I don't know if I wanna go"
"Oh go! I'll be there. It'll be fun I promise" Brianna practically begged me to go.

"Okay I'll go. I'm tired right now. Let's go to sleep" we lay down on her big bed and fall asleep.

Sorry for this boring chapter. Excuse my grammar mistakes. I don't really have WiFi at home so I make so many chapters in a day🤦🤣. Much love. Enjoy:))

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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