"Why isn't it Gray Watanabe?" Ilou would place her palms onto her hips looking down at the poor boy. He'd reach out for his now-to-be shattered glasses.

"What're you doing?" A deep tone would snicker, causing Gray to jump. A handsome young boy in front of him would step on his glasses, as he watched in horror, reaching for them.

He'd grunt. "That's ridiculous! You do this on a daily basis, though you intend to go in a group, it's better if you do it yourself, or are you a coward and not wanna get caught? You never even get caught anyway!"

A blonde hair would kick the side of his head, she'd kneel down in front of Gray. "Don't say that about my bestie—(Yes, to those who are confused, Gray was calling Ilou's a coward, so her bff, Blonde Baboon, was defending Ilou.) like that, Kay?" She'd slap him afterwards.

His head would move to the side, leaving a red mark on his cheek.

Ilou's boyfriend, Kori Yang would step on his head, making him kiss the floor.—(Not really, as in his face met the ground.)

"Stay like that, we'll be back soon." They'd laugh wickedly, leaving to finish their free time.

'Why Ilou's?' Gray would frown, he's been praising her ever since. She was the prettiest girl in the entire school, but known for her cruelty.

'I forgive you, Ilou's.' He'd smile, waiting for the time to pass.

It has been longer than Gray thought, he oh so wished to check his watch, but Blonde Baboon had taken it away from him on her birthday.

"Hello, depressed color."—(Gray's nickname for his bullies.) His head shot up surprised. "Tch." Ilou would shove his head towards the ground again.

"Hurry up and get going, we're gonna get in trouble if you just stay like that." She'd kick his head, walking off to class before the bell rang.

He'd nod getting up, running down the hall, looking for his class. Gray would hiss in pain, as someone shoved their self into his shoulder.

"Watch where you're going." Gray would seethe through his teeth, regretting what he said, noticing it was Tanaka.— Blonde Baboon.

"Now, What were you just saying, Depressed Color?" Her eyes would turn into a black void, glaring at Gray. "A-Ah, I'm sorry! I-I'm sorry for denying you!" He'd bow repeatedly, asking for forgiveness.

"Get going now, peasant." She'd shove him into the lockers.

He'd whimper, slowly getting up dusting himself. Gray quickly skimpered—(Is that a word? No, just a mature version of skipping, but ninja running, it's my made up word.) towards his class.

Just as he walked in, he saw his parents talking to the teacher. 'Please don't embarrass me again.' Gray hated his parents, he thought they were to overprotective, always asking the teacher to do something about the bullying that happened to him.

"Mom, Dad." Gray growled under his breath. "Sweetheart, where'd you get these scratch marks, you have a scar on your face!" His Mom would cry out, hugging him.

A concern look entered Gray's dad face. "Gray, What is up with you lately?" He'd push his mom off him, anger consuming his body.

"Mom, Dad, just go away! No one asked for you concern." He glared at the two. "It's better to not worry about him, ma'am, sir. He has been telling me he's been doing fine." The teacher would look sternly at the two parents.

"Please, there is something wrong with my son! His classmates are the one leaving all these scratches on him, I know it!" His mom would sob, her husband there to comfort her.

"Honey, Gray say's he's doing fine. How about we just listen to him and stop assuming?" His wife would sob even more, clinging onto Gray.

"Sweetheart, you are alright, right?!" That did it, he yelled. "MOM, I know I am fine! I-I'm just clumsy and keep falling, I never asked for your concern, you're acting like I have such low self-esteem to get bullied."

"Well, because you do!" A girl with bleached red hair from his class would whisper loudly to a black hair. They'd giggle, sadistically.

"Ma'am, Sir, I'd like for you to take your leave now." They both nod their head, walking out of the class worriedly. "Watanabe, take a seat sir."

"Wannabe!" An American white, transferred boy would yell out, causing the class to jump out with laughter. Gray would frown, embarrassed, taking a seat in the far back.

He shared a desk with, a very pretty girl. She seemed kind towards others, but was so cruel when she even thought of Gray.

"H-hey, you should be paying attention!" He'd whisper yell to the girl. Pretty girl closed her makeup set, she'd give him a blatant look.

He'd shriek, shrinking into his seat. Gray didn't even know the pretty girl's name, she never bothered talking to him, but gave him mean nasty, looks.

The day went on as a daze, Gray was excited that school was finally over. Though, he did not wanna go back to his annoying parents.—(Lol, no Gray is an ungrateful brat to his parents, he's rude and blunt with them to take out his anger since he's always bullied at school.)

He'd slump outside, spotting his bullies at the entrance, smoking. Gray tried his best to skimp past them, as he tiptoed his way out, a sigh of relief flooded through him.

"Depressed Color, c'mere." Kori would smirk.


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