「Night's Surprise」

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After the shopping trip things with me and Syo seemed to have gone back to normal...for now at least. 

Everyone had practiced hard for our debut tomorrow. I was extremely nervous and couldn't sleep. "It's always been lonely without a room mate but this is even worse"  I looked over the corner of the room and saw the sheet music on my desk. It was a song I had written for myself awhile ago but I've been neglecting it to practice with Starish. 

I walked over to my desk looking at the sheet music, the song was slow and calm. I looked over to the clock, it was 2:06am. I walked over to my closet and put on a (F/C) hoodie and black leggings, I slipped on some sneakers and grabbed the sheet music as I left. 

I walked over to the lake, the moon was full tonight and was reflected on the water as it sparkled and the wind blew slowly. I looked out into the lake taking a deep breath before singing. 

(english lyrics for the song "Tomorrow" by Shouta Aoi) 

Dearest days, drawn in from the mellow yellow

Fleetingly, time goes by...

Don't wanna, don't wanna, whatever happens
Don't wanna, don't wanna, don't wanna know
Don't wanna, how is it? Day after day
I wanna be with you forever

From myself, to myself, the words
A floating, long love letter
Written by the heart of my soul, however ambition waves
Sometimes sensations are alarming, did you know?

Youthful days dyed a cobalt blue (cobalt blue)
Youthfully, tears go by...

Tomorrow, tomorrow, whatever happens
Tomorrow, my friend, don't wanna knock*
Tomorrow, tomorrow, time after time
I wanna be with you forever
I wanna be with you forever

From myself, to myself, my heart
Is like a frozen flower
Listen to my yesterday, today dear because of the discordance,
Let's go with no one knowing, to tomorrow

I opened my eyes as I finished the song and smiled to myself, "It went better than I expected, my nerves also seemed to have calmed down, I should head back and try to get some sleep"  I turned around to head back to my room but was stopped when I saw Syo staring at me in awe. 

I tried to speck but nothing came out "Was he listening to me that whole time!?" 

"A-ah sorry I ughh I w-was just...IcameoutforawalkandthenIheardsomeonesinging...." he seemed flustered and was blushing slightly

 "u-ugh...h-how much d-did you hear..." I was no longer able to look at him straight in the face, I was now looking down at the ground clinching my sheet music in both hands

"Almost from the beginning...I-it was a very nice song, you sang it wonderfully" He started rubbing the back of his neck from nervousness 

"o-oh...t-thank you" I wanted to go back to my room and hide under my blankets because of how embarrassed I was but my body refused to move

"w-why aren't you asleep (Y/N)" 

I tensed up at his question, "If I told him I was nervous he'd think I was childish, what should I do!?!" I hesitated for a bit before answering "I could ask you the same thing" I said lifting my head up but regretted it right after. Syo's hair was loose unlike it usually was, he wasn't wearing his signature bobby pins and the light from the lake reflected off of him making him glow. I immediately felt my face heat up but couldn't stop staring at him. 

"I-I well...hehe this is pretty embarrassing but I wasn't able to sleep because of our concert tomorrow" He smiled slightly in embarrassment

I sighed in relief "I'm happy I'm not the only one" I said as I relaxed

"This might sound weird but....I think your singing calmed me down a bit..." His blush grew darker and so did mine 

"T-thank y-you" 

"You should head back to bed now" He said walking closer to me 

"Alright...but you should too" 

"Hai hai" 

Time skip

We had walked back to the dorms and Syo had walked me to my room. 

"Goodnight (Y/N)" He said as I opened the door to my dorm 

"Night Syo, get some rest so we can show the world what we've got tomorrow!" I said punching my fist forward

Syo giggled and smiled "Yep! Looking forward to it!" he said with a wink as he gave me a fist bump 

I watched as Syo walked back to his dorm. I closed the door to my dorm room and cuddled up in the blankets. "God he was so cute!!! I can't believe he heard me singing!!! At least he liked it...but what if that was a lie? mmm no way, Syo wouldn't lie to me like that, I should just calm down and get some rest for tomorrow" 

I closed my eyes and fell asleep, tomorrow we were going to debut as Starish!


I'M SORRRRRRY!!! I know I keep on saying this at the end of every chapter!! I keep on getting caught up with school work and have been neglecting this fanfic, I'm super sorry for these late updates, I know I keep on saying I'm going to try to write more often and ahhhhhhh!!! I have all these ideas I just need to figure out how to connect all of them and make things flow better. Again I am super sorry for these late updates!!! I know long updates makes a book/fanfic choppy but please bare with me for just a little longer, winter break is coming up soon and I'll try my best!!!

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