Part 1: Remember Chapter 1: He's back

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"AOI! Wake up!" Mom screamed. "Oh my goodness, I'm gonna be late!"

I grabbed my uniform, changed into them, grabbed my bag, snatched a bread from the table, wore my shoes and headed out to school.

I'm Lyka Aoi Shindou, a 14 year old girl, learning in the Legion High School. I prefer being called Aoi.

"Good morning, Sir Christian! Good morning, classmates! Sorry I'm late. May I join the class?" I greeted. "Yes you may, Ms. Shindou," I hurriedly went to my table and sat down to a seat near the window. The window gives me back good memories so, I always sit down on a chair beside the window.

"Today, we have a transfer student. Mr. Ackerman, please come in," Did... Did I hear Ackerman?!

A familiar boy came and stood in front of the class. "I am Levi Ackerman. Nice to meet you all," No. No way. No freaking way. Nooooo waaaayyy. I know I was awake. I pinched myself to be sure. Yep! I was awake.

"Please sit down beside Ms. Shindou," Sir pointed out at the unoccupied chair beside me. Levi walked over and sat there. He then stared at me and I stared back. "Alright! Let's start the class."


              He's back....

●○●○●○ Flashback ●○●○●○ Grade 3, third quarter ●○●○●○ Legion Elementary School ●○●○●○

"I-I'm L-Lyka A-Aoi Shindou! N-nice to meet y-you all!" I greeted. A girl with orange hair smiled sweetly and a brunette haired girl smirked and gave me a 'No-need-to-be-shy!' look.

"Ms. Shindou is from the main city of our country, The Stohess city. She got here to Shiganshina, her province, upon facing a family problem. You all will be her classmates. Be good to her, alright?" Ms Yukiko explained. "Yes ma'am!" Everybody answered.

"Now then, Aoi. Sit down next to Levi. He will help you in our past discussions. He's one of the smartest in the class. Be friends with him, alright?" I nodded and walked over to Levi.

"Ma-may I sit here?" I pointed to the chair beside him. He nodded and so I sat there. "Let's start the class!"

●○●○●○ Few hours later ●○●○●○

"Alright! It's break time, everyone. Be sure to eat healthy foods!" The teacher walked outside. I just sat there, reviewing the notes I took. They were the last topic I learned at my old school before dad died.

"Hey!" A girl tapped my back. She was the same girl who smirked at me at homeroom time. "I'm Hanji Zöe! Nice to meet ya," She stretched her hand out to me when she realized my things. My ballpen, my notebook and my bag, they were all blue.

"I see! That's where your name came from!  Aoi is the japanese for blue," Hanji exclaimed happily. Other kids including the orange haired girl earlier came over to my table. "Petra Ral, Nice to meet you!" The Orange haired girl said. "Nice to meet you too," I answered.

"Hi! I'm Gunther! This is Erd," a black haired boy pointed to a blond haired boy. The "Erd" guy waved his hand at me. "And this is Auro," Gunther pointed to another boy with a brown - ish hair color. "Hmph!" Auro said. "And the smart guy, Levi! Of course, you know him already, he's your seatmate," Levi just stared at me.

"Come and join us for break. You're a transfer student and I know how it feels to be one. Tell us if you're being bullied," Levi said. "Yep! Were actually called as HEL GAP ( Hanji, Erd, Levi, Gunther, Auro, Petra ) but now, were going to be called as HEAL GAP ( Hanji, Erd, Aoi, Levi, Gunther, Auro, Petra )! See? Even names are affected!" Hanji exclaimed.

"Are you going to join us or not?" Erd asked. "Yeah, I might lose some siomai rice in the canteen if you don't answer yet," Auro said. "I-I'll go with you g-guys then..." I replied. "Good! Now, let's tour you around Legion Elementary School!" Hanji pulled me up my chair and Petra toured me around the school. Hanji explained some of the school's rules to me too.

The bell rang and everyone lined up in front of the building. "We all need to attend the assembly after the break when the weather is fine so that when the students go back to their rooms, it would be organized," Hanji said and we headed for our section's line.

"Ms. Shindou, did you somehow like the school?" A teacher asked to me when we were already starting our classes. I nodded. "Have you already made new friends?" She asked again. "Yes ma'am. There were six of them and they were all good to me," Everybody smiled at my statement and we started our discussion.

●○●○●○ Flashback End ●○●○●○

"Class dismissed. You may all take your break," Sir. Edward said. Levi stood up and headed to the door. "Hey, Levi!" I called and he turned around. "What?" he asked, glaring at me. "Ya remember me?"


"I'm one of your bestfriends in grade school!"

"I don't care. Who's Aoi?"


"Alright," he walked away.

"Waaait!" I ran to him. "You really don't remember me, Levi?"


"Why? It's just four years that pa-"

"I had amnesia. I got to an accident when I got to Canada. I don't remember anything except for a word and a name,"

"What are those then?"

"Aoi and Meteor Shower,"

I was dumbfounded. Was my name and the promise I wanted them to grant for me that important?

"Is this conversation done?" He asked. I tapped his shoulder. "Please be sure to grant my wish. You remember what it was all about," I told him.

"Meteor Shower?"

"Don't try to remember anything else, but yes,"

"Alright. I'm taking my leave,"

He walked away.

Can he fulfill it? He doesn't remember anything. I shouldn't gamble too much on this, or else I'll just get hurt so much in the end.

●○●○●○ Flashback ●○●○●○ Grade 5 ●○●○●○ Last 2 days of summer ●○●○●○ Going grade 6 ●○●○●○

"That meteor shower... It was amazing!" Hanji said. "Yeah. It's actually my first time seeing one," Petra stated. "Me too! But I want to see another Meteor Shower with all of us watching it together!" Everyone looked at me because of my statement. "What? Can that be possible? Even Levi isn't sure when he's coming back here in Shiganshina," Erd said.

"Alright. A Meteor Shower only once in four years ( Inserted A.N. only my idiotic theory! ). So tomorrow, Levi's leaving. I want Levi to come back before the next Meteor Shower so that we can all watch it together! Do you think you can go there, Levi-!"

Levi was smiling, which was unusual to someone like him. Is this even real?! "Omahfreakingawd," Hanji said with her hands on her mouth. "Alright, I'm coming there," he said, now with his normal expression. Everyone was happy and enjoyed the last moments they would be with Levi in grade school.

●○●○●○ Flashback End ●○●○●○

●○●○●○ Part 1 Chapter 1 End ●○●○●○

Author's note: Fo u guyzz :T

Imagine an 8 year old Levi. Oh my goodness!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2014 ⏰

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