Norman Bates ( Bates Motel)- Catch Up

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A/N- This was requested by @monicagarcica I thank you for your kind comments. I hope you enjoy this request. 

How He Finds/ Meets You-  One dark, stormy night, Norman was out buying some groceries, when he saw a young woman coming towards him. "Can I help you, Ms.?" He asked. "Yeah. Take this little brat. I can't take it anymore!" She said shoving a bundle of blankets into his arms. He put the groceries down and unwrapped the blanket to see a baby without any clothes or even a diaper. "My God. You poor little thing. I better get you home and out of this cold rainy weather." He said re-wrapping you up. "Sir? Do you need a ride?" A man asked as he pulled up in a taxi.  "If it's not too much trouble. ." Norman said. "No sir, not at all." He said. "Where to sir?" "Bates Motel, please." Norman said.   You began to shiver, very bad, so Norman gave you his coat and held you close to his chest to keep you warm until both of reached the motel.  Once both of you reached the motel, Norman paid the man and brought everything inside. "Mother, I'm home and have a guest." "I'll be right down, Norman. I'm upstairs cleaning the bedroom." "Now. What am I going to with you, little one?" He cooed as he stroked your little cheek.  "Did you get everything that was on the list?" "Yes, mother." "Good boy. Now where's your guest?"  "Right here, mother." He said as he moved part of your blanket down. 

"Oh a baby. I always wanted a grandchild." Norma said. You were just waking up and you saw your new daddy and grandma. "Oh the poor dear. She's/he's cold." She said. "I'll go fill up the bathtub, mother. Do you mind watching, y/n?" "Y/n? Is that her/his name is?" "I don't know, but I like that name." "Y/n Bates. I love it. Welcome home y/n." Your grandma cooed

Their First Night at Home with You- Once your daddy had the bathtub filled, he came down and took you from your grandma. He put his coat and your blanket on the floor, so he could wash them after you got your bath. He gently placed you into the tub and began to wash you. When your daddy began to wash your tiny feet, you started to laugh. "Is someone ticklish?" Your daddy cooed as he began to play "this little piggy" with you. After you're all clean and warm, your daddy wrapped you up in a warm towel and took you to his bedroom. "Now to get you into a diaper and pajamas. Then you'll be ready for sleepy-bye." He cooed. Then it hit him, he doesn't have any diapers and the store was a few hours away. "Mother?" "Yes, Norman?" "I have a problem. I don't have any diapers for y/n and the store is a few hours away." "Don't worry, son. I think I have some  diapers left and I know I still have some of your old baby stuff." "Thank you, mother. You always have the best advice." "(Chuckling) Alright son. Now we better find those diapers before anyone comes in and sees a naked baby." "Or before y/n has an accident" He cooed at you.  Once your grandma returned with a package of diapers, wipes, powder, and  your daddy's old sleeper, she laid everything out for your daddy to do. "There you go, y/n. All nice and warm." He cooed. You snuggled into your daddy's chest and started to drift off to sleep. Norman didn't want to move, for he was worried that you might wake up. Your grandma came in with your daddy's bassinet. "I know somewhere up in that attic is the crib, but I didn't want to make too much noise." "This is great mother. Thank you." He said as he laid you down and covered you. 

It was now 2:45am, when the storm got worse. A loud thunder crack had woken you up and you began to cry for your daddy and grandma. "Shh... y/n. Daddy's here. Yes, I know sweetie pie. The storm is not being fair to you, is it?" He cooed as he rocked you. "How about we go downstairs and I'll make you a yummy bottle?" Once you had your bottle, you were still scared. "How about you sleep with me tonight, y/n. Daddy will protect you from the mean ol' storm." He said walking back to his room.  He brought your bassinet into his room and placed it right by his bedside. He placed you in it, covered you up and gave you one of his old stuffed animals. "Sweet dreams, y/n. Daddy and grandma love you." 

Who He Trusts to Babysit You- Just like Jason, Norman would leave you with his mother, Norma. When your daddy had to leave to go somewhere for a few days, he left you with your grandma. "Okay, mother. I'm heading out now." "Alright, dear. Come here, y/n. Say "bye-bye" to daddy." She cooed. You smiled at your daddy as he gave you a few snuggles and kisses. "You be good for grandma, my sweet y/n and when daddy returns he might have something for you." He cooed before he gave one last kiss. "Good-bye mother. Good-bye y/n. Daddy will be back soon." He said as he left. Once he was gone, you began to cry. "Oh, my sweet grandbaby. Don't cry, grandma's here. Shh... it's okay. How about we have a girl's day, just you and me." She cooed. You stopped your crying and began to coo at her. "I'll take your sweet cooing as a yes." She said, while smiling at you. "Let's get you changed and then we go to the mall for a fun day." She cooed. Once you were changed into a cute outfit and was in your car seat, you and your grandma went to the mall. "Okay, sweetie. Do you want to go to the spa with grandma?" She asked you, since there was a spa in the mall. You giggled and both of you went. Your grandma got her nails painted, while the workers got you a small bowl of water to dip your fingers in. 

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