Not Having A father Figure Most Of My Life

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Growing up I didn't have a father, well...for the most part. I didn't even have a father at birth. At least that's what my mom told me. My "step dad" wasn't in the delivery room, instead he was out with some other woman cheating on my mom. After I was born, i instantly almost died. Sounds dramatic, kinda was, but let me tell you the story. I wasn't really being pushed out...easily, again kinda gross, but when i was being delivered I was getting tangled up in my mothers umbilical cord, causing me to not breath and I was getting to the point where i had to be transported to St. Louis through a helicopter but thankfully they got the umbilical cord off just in time.

I don't know the importance of having a father really. I never thought I really needed one. My mom was always good at taking care of me and my two sisters alone. For some reason my mom felt like she needed someone there for her. Which later on in the story you'll find out why that's important. Back to the point, My Biological dad was in prison from the day i was born to about till 6 or 7. During those ages (1-5) my "step dad" was filling the void of a "father figure". He wasn't really a supportive, nice, helping father. My whole life, Ya know the part he was in, he was abusing me and my mom, along with my sisters. I don't remember much. Some of the parts I remember I would definitely consider some of the more crucial moments.

So I had and still have a pit bull, his name is Bacca; Chewbacca; Chewy, any of those names. He had bladder issues when he was younger and couldn't control it. One day it was so bad, my dad came home, saw what my dog had...done and decided to chase him until my dog ran into the bathroom. Me and my sister, who was at the time abusing me sexually, ran into the bathroom to try and stop my dad from doing anything too bad. My "step dad" pinned my dog on his back to the ground and started to choke him. All i could do was sit there and watch until my Sister decided to push him off.

The second indecent happened a few weeks after that. This didn't happen to me rather my older sister (the one mentioned earlier). I don't remember much but what I do remember is seeing my sister being dragged by her hair by my "step dad" from one side of the house to the parents bedroom. Just to be beaten with a belt. I could hear the screaming from the room and all i did was sit there not knowing what to do because i didn't understand, mainly because i was too young.

Every night while trying to sleep i could hear the distant crying, slamming, screaming, yelling coming from the other side of my wall. It was my parents room. I would lay in bed crying, wondering what was gonna happen to me. I remember waking up the next morning, I saw a hole in the door from what looked like to be on purpose. I later found out that it came from my "step dad" banging his head through the door out of anger, after slapping my mom that same night.

Now enough of that. I think it's safe to say that my mom was finally fed up with it and we decided to take every thing and leave, We left every thing at the house, all we had was some clothes, food, and our dog. The last thing i remember seeing the last day i ever saw my "step dad" was him being almost ran over because his stupid ass ran in front of the car as it was moving. We moved to my grandmas house which I think deserves it's own chapter.

With that being said, I will see you in the next chapter I hope you enjoyed this and stay tuned for more!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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