Part 2

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Daniel: Umm okay

You and Daniel played volleyball for an hour straight and then went inside to eat and relax a bit

Daniel: sooo

Y/n: soo what

Daniel: tell me a bit about yourself

Y/n: you go first

Daniel: okay well umm, my full name is Daniel James seavey I'm 17, I love singing drawing and skateboarding I love my family so much

Y/n: then why do you skip school that will break your moms heart you know that right

Daniel: oh be quite

Y/n: no I want to know

Daniel: because

Y/n: and why is that

Daniel: I'm not telling you that

Y/n; okay whatever

Daniels phone kept on ringing

Y/n: are you going to answer that

Daniel looked at his lock screen and ignored it

Daniel: nah I'm good

Y/m: sweetie I'm gonna be back, I'm going to run to the store

Y/n: okay mom

Ur mom left and you two continued on what you were doing

Y/n: well can you turn off your sound

Daniel: no

You got Daniels phone and answered it

?: dan...

Y/n: hello

?: who are you

Daniel was now on top of you trying to get he's phone  (you two where sitting on the couch)

?: hello
?: are you there

Y/n: stop dan...

Daniel got he's phone and hung up

Y/n: what the heck

Daniel: that's my phone young lady

Y/n: I know that but you wouldn't answer it


Y/n: what

Daniel: ur mom forget something

Y/n: she never forgets anything

Daniel: are you sure

Y/n: of course I'm sure she's my mom get off of me let me go check

Daniel did what he was told and you got and went to ur window to check who it was

Y/n: Daniel come here who is that

Daniel got up and went by you

Daniel: oh shoot

Y/n: who is that

Daniel: that's my sister how did she know I was here

Y/n: let me see you're phone unlock it

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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