Meet Harry Styles he and Niall dated for 5years but what happens when Niall cheats on him with the actor/singer hailee steinfeld harry find them his house his bed having sex harry quits the band he changes not for the good he got tattoos all his ar...
We tell our stories differently don't we You and I ?
•two days later• Harry p.o.v It's been two days and it's been hell my knuckles are bruised from me hitting the wall and breaking all the pictures of me and Niall
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(^harry bruised knuckles)
today I'm going to face Niall again I don't want to but I'm going to quite the band I called management told them I have Bad new for them and the lads I will tell them tomorrow which is today It's 11:10 Am right now the meeting is at 11:45Am I got my clothes made my way to the shower -15 minutes later- I got out the shower put on my black skinny jeans big sweater that covers my bruised knuckles brown boots I quicky brushed my hair I got the bag that was full of Niall clothes after getting it I walked down stairs to the door where I saw Zayn "Surpise Haz" he said while smiling at me I gave him back a smile. "Hi Zee" I said walked passed him making my way to my range Rover "You don't want a car ride" he asked but I shook my head "No because I'm not going to stay for the full meeting I'm just gonna tell them to give me the papers for me to leave and give this clothes to that cheating bastard" I said while throwing the bag the back seat "We can follow each other if you like" Zayn said I nodded I got in my car opened the house gate while Zayn got in his waiting for me We drove off while following each other •Arriving Modest management building• Me and Zayn parked our car next to each other we then made our way inside the building with the bag my hand I also took off my sweater After we made into the top floor I saw Niall blond hair the glass window my hand start sweating Zayn got my hand gave it supportive squeeze then let it go "Want me to go ahead of you" he asked I quickly nodded He walked ahead of me opened the door Louis Liam management turned around looked at us but not Niall he was avoiding eye contact with me "Harry Zayn you're both late" I gave him 'I don't care' look I walked over to Niall dropped the bag harshly his lap "Here you go you bastard" "HARRY" management Said yelling "What happened to your knuckles" One them asked "This bastard cheated on me I want out of this band" "What?!" management the lads looked shocked expect for Zayn "No you can't leave you haven't start touring" management said sternly "I can't be the same building with my ex - boyfriend he literally threw five years away the funnier thing was I found him the girl my house and my bed Fucking" "Who was it" Louis asked "Yeah Niall tell them who was it" I said getting mad as I remember what happened "Hailee steinfeld" Niall mumbled he still wasn't making eye contact with me "Did you ever love me" "Of course I did" "Look at me the eye tell me those five Years weren't waste of my time" He didn't we both knew we wasted each other time effort I shook my head disappoint " you're such cheater I hate you and your little toy so much" Niall punched me the eye which made me fall to the floor with me holding my now bruised eye Louis,Liam Zayn all gasped
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(^harry 'black eye')
"Give me the papers" I said Sternly They looked shocked they have never heard me talk like this I have always have respect them But none the less they got the papers I can tell Niall was looking at my bruised knuckles "Okay so we all sign it already all its left to do is for you and the band mates to sign them I nodded one by one they all sign the papers Zayn passed me the pen for me to sign while I got the paper out his hand after i handed the paper back to management "Okay you're now Ex-member of One Direction it was nice working with you harry Styles" "Thank you for giving me this opportunity thank you Zayn Liam Louis for being the best bandmates" I said giving them Hug I was bit sad they weren't only my bandmates but my new brothers I gave them one last smile before walking away from One Direction -couple days later- It was 9am I was hungry so I decided to make some breakfast but when I got there I had no cereal or milk or Eggs I literally had nothing the only thing I had my Refrigerator is leftover pizzas few bottles of water But I can't go out i have bruised eye But I was super hungry I really to go grocery shopping I sighed put on some shoes got my wallet keys sunglasses which I put on right away When I made it to my car started driving to the store I decided to turn on the radio cause was to silent Let me tell you now was big mistake
Radio station: "Harry Styles from One Direction left the band-Niall Horan from one direction was spotted yesterday with his girlfriend Hailee Steinfeld at Disneyland they were acting super coupley kissing holding hands taking a lot of pictures with fans" I gripped the wheel he's taking her to my favorite place After 5 minutes of driving i arrived but I wasn't alone paparazzi was there "How the fuck did they find me" I thought to myself I got the book next to me started making my way to the store while trying to cover my eye - - - - I was now bed at night was 11pm I decided to Check Twitter
@1Dismyfav: "@Harry_styles I hate you so much wtf
@louismyking: "@Harry_styles you're so worthless I can't believe I used to like you"
@disgustingharry: "@Harry_styles you disgust me"
@wehateharry : "@Harry_styles don't you care about your fans you're so selfish"
Only if they knew
Happy thanksgiving everyone What did you guys do for thanksgiving? I just stayed home with my family ate turkey