Chapter Eight

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Alex's Perspective

I slowly opened my eyes the next morning and turned my head to see Dougie beside me in his bed. He was on his back and had his head facing the opposite way of me. The covers were completely off of him and there laid his very naked body. I smiled and leaned over to grab the covers at his feet and pulled them over his waist. I then placed my hand gently on his stomach and gradually made my way up to his chest. He started to stir, and proceeded to turn his head so that it faced me, though he was still fast asleep. I smiled again while I laid my head down on his arm that was stretched out. I didn’t want to wake him....just by looking at his face, he looked peaceful. I didn’t want to bother that. So instead I stared at his tattoo, which now I could see the amazing detail of it. I lightly placed my hand on it, and then Dougie started to slowly open his eyes.

“Aw man, sorry I woke you” I whispered with a smile.

He gave me a cute little smile back, “you’re fine” He whispered. “Your hand was cold” He chuckled still in a whisper, trying to open his eyes a bit more.

“Oh sorry” I laughed pulling the covers up a bit over my bare chest.

He smiled again and leaned in closer to me and rubbed my arm. “How did you sleep?” He asked.

“Great, this bed is very comfortable.” I laughed.

“Good, man I could lay like this all day.” He said with a big smile looking up at the ceiling.

“Really, now why is that?” I laughed.

“Because I’m with you” He whispered looking over at me with his cute little smile.

“I could too” I whispered with a smile running my hands over his stomach.

We laid there in that position for awhile, and to be honest; I could lay in that position forever with him, if I could.

“What time is it?” I asked after awhile.

“Almost 10:30” He said looking over at his bedside clock.

“What?” I asked leaning up really fast. I had totally forgot about my parents, who are probably wondering where the hell I was.

“What’s wrong?” He asked in a confused expression to the sudden change of mood.

“My parents….” I mumbled whilst biting my lip.

“Oh shit” He said leaning up as well.

“Yeah, what am I going to tell them?” I said jumping up looking for my cover up clothes from last night.

“Well you can say you came over and fell asleep after swimming, which eventually happened…..after all of the...”

“Yeah, now how am I going to explain that” I laughed breaking him off while I pulled on my shorts and put my shirt on.

“Yeah, sorry” He mumbled getting out of bed to find his boxers and shorts.

“It’s okay, I’ll make up something.” I said walking over to give him a kiss.

He smiled and kissed me back.

“I had an amazing time last night” I said with a smile when we released.

He smiled again, “me too”

We walked into the living room to grab my stuff and he walked me to the door.

“I’ll call you later” He said while I started to open it and we were greeted by Danny who was just about to knock on it.

“Woah” He said looking startled when I walked out.

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