Chapter 11: I Don't Want This

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Igneel's POV

I was walk with both of my sweet grandchildren, I don't know if I should really tell them about Natsu or not. They won't like but it has to be done.

"Listen up kiddos. " I said to them both.

"What is it Pop pop?" They said in unison. They are so cute.

"Well like I said before either you Akarui or you Natsuo have to go back to the Earthland. Sadly you both can't go, so that means one has to stay with me forever. I will give you til tonight to decide because your father can't defeat Lisanna by himself." I said the them.

We stopped at a big tree and dat down in the grass.

"Pop pop why? Why can't we both go. Be barley been together, Plus Natsuo still hasn't seen Mama." Akarui said to me.

"It's not fair, normal kids don't have to think about this so why do we. I just want to be happy with my family." Natsuo said said he started sobbing.

"I want Natsuo to go and I want him to take magic so he can be stronger and help Papa and Mama." Akarui said as she started to cry.

"No I'm not going." Natsuo said standing up and running.

"Come back Natsuo!" I yelled.


Lucy's POV

I don't think I want to keep this child. But I sure as hell don't want to kill it, I mean it hasn't done anything to me but as long as I'm pregnant then I am defenseless against Lisanna. We just left the restaurant and we are on our way to the port of Hargeon. I was being dragged by my hair by that bitch. I can't go on like this Natsu needs to hurry or I might do something that I don't wanna do.

"Hey Lucy bitch, what are you thinking about over there?" She said to me.

"How the hell I'm going to beat your crazy ass down. " I said with a smirk. But my smirk soon faded after I saw that the ground was growing closer to my face.

"Now listen here, I would watch what I say if I were you." She said to me as she stepped on my face.

"What is your plan when Natsu gets here how are you going to control his rage?" I asked her with another smirk.

"You will see when Cobra brings him here." Lisanna said as she pulled me up and punched me in the stomach and soon I fell into a deep sleep.

Natsu's POV

Hargeon is in the next town over. Now is my chance to get away from this bastard but I gotta beat him without thinking about it or he will detect my moves and I will never win. As we walked he looked back at me once in a while and I was kinda of weird. I don't have my complete strength back so this might be difficult indeed but I have to, I have to save Luce. I lit my hand up and ran towards him and punched in the back making him fall.

"So you are asking for a fight aye Natsu?" He said as he got up and faced me.

"If that means getting away from you then hell yeah." I said igniting my whole body.

"oh what was taking you so l was starting to think that you were just gonna make this trip easy." He said with a sly chuckle.

"Well you did rough me up pretty bad so I had wait a while for my strength to come back. Any more questions Cobra?" I asked him while stretching my arms and back.

"Well you better hope you win because if you don't you can kiss your girl's body away because she will be all mine, and I can't wait for that." He said while licking his lips and smirking.

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