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It was a constant echo in his mind. That voice. Her voice. Where it came from and whose it was, the man hadn't been able to figure it out, but it came and went, sometimes sensual and teasing and other times frightening enough to make him lie awake at night.
These thoughts made him question his sanity or if he had any left considering the accident a week ago; he'd been the victim of a hit-and-run with immediate admission to the hospital for several weeks and only himself for console and comfort.
Currently, he was laid up in a hospital bed, the continuous beep of the monitor telling him that he was alive, and the cold silence of the silence making him wish otherwise. The doctors had been trying to get in contact with family and friends but oddly, no response. Even house visits by the police had been made and no one was home. Worry built up in his system every time he asked and each time he received a negative. Why, why was no one coming? He couldn't stand the beeping of monitors and that woman's voice much longer.
A knock in the doorway gained his attention and he turned his eyes, finding a tall, dark-haired woman in a lab coat there. A bright, red smile and unusually beautiful eyes fit her slender face. "Did you press the Call button?"
Was he imagining things or was that the voice in his head? He must have as he hadn't interacted much with the nurses and head doctor to even concentrate on anything but the woman in his head. "It must have been an accident." He trailed off slowly, keeping nervous eyes on the doctor as she came to the end of the bed to check his chart.
A look of pity fell on her face. "Oh my," She muttered. "Kim Seok-Jin," She read before falling into silence, suddenly playful irises scanning the page. "It looks like you'll be here for awhile." She looked at him. "I should introduce myself. I'm Dr. Bae Joo-hyun, your new doctor."
"I've been assigned to you." Dr. Bae paused. "Dr. Kim couldn't handle you- that is, he has too many patients already."
"I see." It was probably his fault Kim wanted to leave. Jin kept asking about his family, if the authorities knew where they were and if they'd found them. It was much more than frequent and he was persistent. "If it's because of my family, I promise not to-."
"I'll try my hardest to locate them." She gave a soft smile full of reassurance.
"Thank you. By any chance," Jin swallowed, uncomfortable with his position in bed. "Have we met before? Or did you see me before now, like in the general area of the hospital this week or perhaps even before then-?"
Joo-hyun tilted her head and leaned forward, her hands on the end rail to support her weight. "Sometimes the brain creates mechanisms to cope with injury and extreme stress. You probably caught my voice at one moment and just can't recall. This tends to happen with head injuries."
Jin replied by looking away, feeling a knot form in his stomach. "I used to think I had a guardian angel looking out for me but with how things have turned out, I'm beginning to think it was just luck."
"You shouldn't give up so soon." Something in her tone made Jin face the doctor. She had stepped closer. "There's so much more in store for you than you think."


K so I've seen a couple vampire au's and stories. I've enjoyed a couple and then others, everything moved so fast it didn't make sense.
I have ideas for where I want to go with this but nothing solid at the moment so I'm playing it by ear. I actually got the idea for this after watching a Vampire Diaries Makes No Sense vid.
Usually Jin or the male protagonist is the vamp but I figured why not be different?

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