Chapter 4.

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"Sam!" Dean walked and followed sam but before that he put tape on his mouth. "Sammy!! " he kept walking and Sam stopped and yelled." No dean ! No!" Sam got extremely angry. "How could you done this to me?!?!" Dean watched him and felt guilty inside." Samm-y I....". No dean !" This has gotten to far!" You've done so many bad stuff! I'm tired of you! This is the far beyond worst!" Dean walked up closer to him." Sammy,I'm sorry" let me explain!" Sam punches dean right in the face, dean felt his hand and was in pain and he stepped back. "Lets just talk about this!" Sam punches him harder. Dean got sad." Oh okay!" He punches him hard back and keeps hitting him more and more ." I didn't do it on purpose!!" Okay!" Listen to me." Dean stopped and looked at sam and got on top of him. "It was before you met ruby ! Okay ! I didn't know she was pregnant until you brought her." I am sorry!" sam face was bruised,and has blood on his nose,and teeth. Sam chuckled and spit on dean's face." Screw you !" He got up. And he fixed his hair and clothes. " I will never talk to you ever again.!" He walked away slowly in disappointment, he got into his bunker and started to cry. Dean got up slowly with his right hand and started to walk and fix his hair and clothes. He walked into his bunker and sat down and punched the wall. " son of a bitch!!!!"  He began to cry as well,he covered his face and tried to relax but he couldn't. Sam began to cry, Castiel showed up in dean's bunker." I told you he was going to find out." He said seriously and looked over to dean and sat next to him and put his hand behind his back." I'm sorry dean ..." dean watched him and looked up at his blue eyes,he didn't know what to respond. So he leaned in,his soft lips touches Castiel's, he held on tight and gribbed on him , he kept kissing him harder and they both looked at him." I..." Castiel looked at Dean." I know... I love you too." They both began to kiss each other's lips,and slowly started to remove each other's clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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