♥Nu'est Luv♥

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A/N- A K-pop fanfiction- starring Nu'est! :D (Caution: A bit Rated R >:D) This is my first story so bear with me ^3^ Hope you guys enjoy this story~ [If you don't know them go check out their debut song 'Face'! :) Their awesome!] BECOME A L.O.Λ.E♥

All Rights Reserved/ PLEASE DO NOT PLAGERIZE! 

Dedicated to Dirty_Angel97 & Purplecatepillar cause their the first ones to vote and comment ! c:


Chapter 1-

So this is how it goes. The name's Angel. A Senior in Wisteria High and life's been kicking me in the butt. Taking Algebra and Biology plus Phsyics is so damn tiring, running place to place attending to each class without being late. I still have Drama/Theatre Arts and ...shit! its 2:50! I'm running late for my Biology class! which is my last class for the day.

I ran to my class and thank God I came to class on time!

The teacher spotted me then looking to his watch "Well well well, Ms. Lee, you've arrived class just in time!" he said with a chuckle "Now have a seat, class starts now" while facing the board and writing the lesson on it.

I saw a guy that I've never seen before in Biology class and....he looked..kind of attractive? What am I talking about. I can never call a man 'attractive'. Although, he must be new here in Wisteria High. I wanted to sit next to him if I had the chance- ....what!? before I could sit next to him a random girl already  took the spot quickly! I blamed myself for talking inside my head too long and didn't even budge to sit down.

"Um...Ms. Lee? what are you doing just standing there?" asked the teacher with concern "Oh! I'm sorry! Mr. Shedan I'll have me seat now" I said, emberrasing myself to the whole class. I spotted the attractive boy looking at me. 

Focus Angel! Focus! what did you do to yourself!? I officially emberressed myself in front of everyone.....and.....mr. attractive....hey! I should just call him that...Mr. attractive....I tried hiding my humility.

I took my seat and I was so unlucky today....I was sitting next to the boy who was super weird, as in...super super weird. What else could go wrong? ugh. He was looking at me while picking his boogers. It was so nasty and disgusting I couldn't bear it! But I had no choice, each seat was takin. I had to sit next to the weird dude. 

I watched the clock tick, passing each minute whenever I looked at it. Good thing time was running by fast. I could get out of this class and get away from this weird dude next to me. I had to gag myself to try not to throwup at the sight of him.


The bell rung.

Finally! Class is over! I ran fast through the door and down the stairs as fast as I could. I had to meet up with my friends. 

I already saw them at the lunch tables, waiting for me to come. I already saw Tam waving at me for me to come. 

I had three best friends in the world! I could'nt live my life without them. There's Tam, the adorable talkative girl who can scream the top of her lungs like an opera singer. Then there's Joy, the pretty photogenic girl and that could sing well. And last but not least, Iris, super smart and a master of math sorcery and not to mention, she's in love with anime too. 

"OMG!!! Girl! What took you so long?!" Tam yelling at me. I shrugged and let out a small chuckle "You know! the usual! Biology class" I said ruffling her hair. "Hey! Angel! up for some Ice cream?" Joy asked with a smile "Sure thing-" I spotted Iris reading some manga "ey! Iris what are you reading?" she didn't even budge and just kept reading her manga as If she didn't hear me. "Iris!" not a single stare, until I snatched her book and had it in front of me "Hey! Angel! I was reading that!" she said with a pout "Blue exorcist?" I looked at her with confusement "Yes! Blue Exorcist! now give me the manga back" I gave her the magna back since she was desperatly in need of it "Your into exorcist stuff now?" I told her "Um....er...yeah kind of" she told me in reply. Tam interrupted the small silence "Hey! what ever happend to eating Ice cream time?" I looked at her and smiled "Oh yeah! Ice Cream!" 


A/N- The first chapter is up! Hope you guys enjoyed it so far! Anticipate the romance in later chapters! :D you guys think Mr. Attractive and Angel would pair up? ;)

Please don't forget to comment and vote! I'm looking foreward to it! ♥

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