Part 2

711 35 4

Yuki's POV

Months passed and I continued my life of course..

I was walking on the hall way of the campus when I saw girls who are wearing Exo shirts, sitting in the bench while fangirling..

I smiled as I remembered that time when I was really into him.

When I was never feeling tired of tailing and stalking him..

When all I think is how is he doing..

And when the most important thing in my life is him..

I just shook my head in disbelief..

How could I do such thing, risking my life just to see him..

I admit I'm a little bit crazy before..

"Haha." I chuckled

I continued walking with my head down, just staring at the ground..

Honestly, the feeling is different now,.

And I must say that I'm growing better..

No problems and disappointments..

No Suho that I'm always caring for..

After minute of walking, I reached the garden..

I sat on the foot of a tree just to relax my mind from stressful day of school..

Those things I realized that day pops out on my mind..

*Flash back*

10 pm when I reached the dorm..

Good thing the curfew is 11 pm..

As I opened the door, Min Hee greeted me with a hug..

"Where have you been? Don't you know I was so worried? You could have texted me if where the hell you are!"

She blurted

I just gave her a slight smile and went straight to the bed and throw myself..

She just stared at me and sighed before talking..

"You okay?" She asked

"Yeah.." I answered while staring at the handkerchief given by the man..

"You know, sometimes people think that it's holding on that makes one strong.. but they are wrong.."

She lay on her bed just staring blankly at the ceiling..

"Sometimes, it's letting go.."

She continued..

Silence followed.

'Rejection doesn't mean you aren't good enough. It means that the other person failed to notice what you have to offer..'

I smiled sadly as tears starting to  fill my eyes again..

I blink many times and laugh..

"Yeah.. I'm tired of trying. I'm tired of crying.."

I'm tired of this shit..

"Hmm. Don't worry, if it's meant to be, it will be.."

She said..

*End of Flash back*


I leaned my head on the tree and put my ear phones..

My eyes are about to shut when suddenly my phone vibrated,.

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