Ch. 1 What In The World Is This Place?

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OK my first story here goes.............


This is the story of my life, but better. I've changed all the names in the story. Don't ask. I guess I was inspired to write this story by Wizard101. Nerdy, right? Well its a lot better than on the commercials.

Chapter 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     It started off like any other day. I got dressed in my ugly school uniform. Ugh. Navy blue and khaki. Oh well what are you gonna do. Then I brushed my medium-length brunette hair and started putting on makeup.

     "Dang it" I said. I always mess up my makeup and look goth or just plain ugly. I forgot about it and moved on. I grabbed my laptop and headed into my living room, grabbing a banana along the way. I surfed around and checked Twitters of my favorite stars. I looked up at the clock on the cable box. 8:15. Time to go catch the bus. I called my mom and told her it was time to go. I turned off the laptop and grabbed my backpack then jumped in the car. The bus came at around 8:30. I grabbed a seat next to my best friend, Ellie. When the bus got to school we took a seat in the school courtyard by the rest of my friends. Amanda, Rebecca, and Melissa and many more that would take forever to name. Just then the guy that I adored walked into the courtyard.

     Ah Greg. He was not the cutest boy alive, the only reason I liked him was the fact that he was really nice to me and my friends plus he was hilarious. He walked over to us and started chatting until the bell rang. Since the first 3 periods of my day are very annoying and boring, let me skip to 4th period, band. Two of the many things that I love about band is that its when I have lunch and Greg sits directly next to me. Since I'm only in 7th grade we go to lunch with our 4th period class. The thing that I didn't know that was going to happen at lunch today would change my life. Forever.

     We arrived at lunch and the first half seemed pretty normal or well at least normal for my table. My table consists of Ellie, Amanda, Rebecca, Melissa, Elizabeth and me. See we goof around a lot, make jokes, laugh really loud, and act like idiots. So anyway, halfway through lunch the vice principal called the blue row to get lunch and the strangest person had walked into the room. It seemed as though he was a normal human with a hat covering his eyes. Or only I assumed at first. The vice principal then called me over to where she and the man were standing.

     "What the heck" I said to my friends before leaving the table.

     Everyone oohed as I walked over to the man and her. She told me that he wanted to talk to me outside. I nodded not knowing what else to do. I followed him as he lead me outside wondering who the heck he was. He spoke first.

     " Can you see who I am" he inquired.

     "Not with the hat over your eyes" I said kind of shaky. When I did he tilted his hat the slightest bit and reveled his eyes. Or at least were his eyes should have been. Because there was only one right in the middle.

     That was the last thing I remembered about lunch when I woke up in the nurse's office.

     "You had a pretty nasty fall there" The nurse told me.

     "What happened?" I asked her.

     "You passed out at the lunch table out of nowhere" she said.

     "Oh" Ok that was not what happened. The really mysterious guy had taken me outside and showed me that he only had one eye. Then I had passed out. Something wasn't right here.

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