there was an agressive knock on the door and jill sprinted to get the door
"oh hey" said grayson
and then the most beautiful man i've ever seen the man who made me only get 7 hours of shut eye last night came in
"hey guys where's ashley" said ethan
"oh hey guys « i said very nervously omg
they walked in and i lead them over to where i had the camera set up
"so what is the video that we are filming today" said grayson as he winked at mackenzie what the heck she doesn't even know him life's so not fair 😔"well i thought you guys could teach me how to be la cause i you know i'm only from texas 😔 +🤠" usais hoping that they would think it's kinda good
"sounds great" ethan said grabbing my shoulder
*we start to film and are half way done*
"now you got the look the clothes but you're missing the attitude" said grayson
"also your ass is to big to be from la" laughed jill gosh my friends are so embarrassing
*we kept filming*
okay we'll make sure to check out their channel and i'll see you guys later" then i turned off the camera
"wow that was so fun" said ethan
"yeah" i giggled
aside "hey um i think we have some type of connection do you think you would ever want to hangout like alone" ethan said while he was biting his lip like omg what
"yeah for sure" i said i hope hey couldn't see all of the excitement in my voice
"well we gotta go but i'll text you later?!?"
then the twins jogged out the door
"wow that was so crazy" said julia in aw
"yeah i can't believe the dolan twins sat on my coach » said allie
« me too » i said but internally i couldn't believe what was happening did ethan dolan like me too ???

a youtubers dreammmm
Fanfictionthis is dedicated to the badest bitch I know love you :))))